3rd party hosting notice, photobucket.........


5 year old buck +
Good lord, almost spilled my coffee...
got an email last night, 3rd party hosting, blah blah, upgrade, blah blah....
Just noticed another poster with a 3rd party hosting message on another members post where a photo once was and decided to look into it.
ouch! 399.99 for a year!
wtf, need options.

I would ultimately like to find an app with a quick upload to the hosting site from smart phone, that has quick link feature, and works on this forum.


Good lord, almost spilled my coffee...
got an email last night, 3rd party hosting, blah blah, upgrade, blah blah....
Just noticed another poster with a 3rd party hosting message on another members post where a photo once was and decided to look into it.
ouch! 399.99 for a year!
wtf, need options.

I would ultimately like to find an app with a quick upload to the hosting site from smart phone, that has quick link feature, and works on this forum.



Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Clover a month old already in use

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
hmmm, tapatalk works! thanks.
The problem with tapatalk is after a few months to a year they purge your pictures and thier gone.

At least mine were deleted.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Cat ... explain Tapatalk to a low info tech guy like me ... :emoji_confused:
Cat ... explain Tapatalk to a low info tech guy like me ... :emoji_confused:
Do you have it downloaded yet? If not, go to where you get apps (Google Play Store in you using Android) and install it. Once installed you create an account. I think it walks you through it, asks for a username and password type of stuff. Then you search the app for the websites you want to post on.
Let me know if you are this far or not. We can go from there.
Bill, I don't think I've ever lost a pic on Tapatalk. I do keep them on my phone though and don't delete the one's I wan't to save. I guess I could repost them if Tapatalk purge them.
The issue is with photobucket. It is gonna kill me but I'm not going to be extorted. I've got hundreds of photos linked to forum posts. Photobucket was becoming almost unusable with all the ads. It was taking me 10 minutes to upload it to the web site and retrieve the URL to add it to a forum. So, last month I decided to build my own photoserver. I got it working about 2 days ago and had just uploaded the first couple pictures to it and linked them here to test it out. No sooner than I did this than I got the dreaded change of TOS email.

So, I've downloaded all of the pictures I want from photobucket to my local computer. In all of my older posts, you will now see the ugly placeholder:

It will take me quite a while, but I plan to upload all those pictures to my new photo server and slowly change the links on this forum.

Sorry for the inconvenience to anyone trying to read through old threads. If any of you find a thread that is important to you and need the pictures for it to be valuable, send me a PM with a link to the thread. I'll put those on the top of my stack as I slowly update my posts.


I was totally blindsided, had no ide they were thinking of doing it, wha did they think we did with their links to image on the side of every photo we uploaded? like crack dealers, give it away, get us hooked, then BAM, charge for it.
Dang. I just uploaded pics to photo bucket in the last two weeks just to link in my posts here.
The adds were unreal. Glad to read it wasn't just me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I understand their need to generate revenue but I think this is going to seriously hurt or possibly kill photobucket.

I can't believe that few if any people will agree to be extorted the $400 a year cost they are proposing, and with most folks no longer using the site I cannot imagine the advertisers will continue to support them either if there is no traffic to view their ads.

Bad move on photobuckets part IMHO.
They've had a sidebar note about my using an ad blocker for some time. I don't really see the point of me being spammed when I'm not going to click through their trash ads anyway.

Maybe they'll see the error of this move and reverse it?
They've had a sidebar note about my using an ad blocker for some time. I don't really see the point of me being spammed when I'm not going to click through their trash ads anyway.

Maybe they'll see the error of this move and reverse it?

I probably missed the sidebar note cause it was covered with adds. I'm sure they will reverse it based on feedback just like QDMA did :)

FYI - Before deciding to build my own photo server, when I was just getting frustrated with the Photobucket ads, I tried some alternatives. I have a few pictures linked from this forum that were posted to : http://imgur.com/ I noticed they are still allowing third party links and my pictures on this forum all show up. Who knows if they will go the way of Photobucket, but if folks don't have ability to build your own so you know it won't go away, Imgur is an alternative that is still working.


One more note for photobucket folks. If you decide you want to move your pictures to some other photoserver and then update your link here on the forum, here is the general process I'm following:

1) I downloaded each album I had on photobucket. Click on the Library tab and go to the album you want to download. On the right side you will find several links including download album.

2) The download results in a zip file on your local computer. I unzipped mine to a specific a folder for each album.

3) Next, I'm using Google Advanced search. I'm searching for my username on Habitat-Talk, and the word photobucket and I'm limiting the search to the domain habitat-talk.com. Not much shows up. Then I click the Image search tab on the google results page. It shows me a bunch of images. I click on an image and it gives me an option to visit web page. I click that and it gives me the Habitat-Talk page that has a picture I posted but it now shows the placeholder.

4) I edit my post and then click on the place holder. It pops up a window with the link. I select only the file name from the link and copy it.

5) I go to the folder with the albums I downloaded and paste the file name into the windows explorer search box. That search shows the specific picture used in the link.

6) Next, I upload that image to a photo server. I uploaded it to my own, but you can use Imgur or whatever picture hosting server you want that allows 3rd party links. Once you do the upload, you can get the new URL for that uploaded picture from the picture hosting server you use. Copy it.

7) Go back to the post you are editing on Habitat talk. Delete the link from the popup window and paste the new link you copied. The picture should show up in the edit window and will be saved in the post when you save the edit.

8) I then scroll through that thread and repeat steps 4-7 for each picture in a post that shows the photobucket place holder.

Once that thread is done, I got back to step three to find another tread.

I find this easier than using habitat talk to search through my threads and trying to find the ones where I posted pictures.


I understand their need to generate revenue but I think this is going to seriously hurt or possibly kill photobucket.

I can't believe that few if any people will agree to be extorted the $400 a year cost they are proposing, and with most folks no longer using the site I cannot imagine the advertisers will continue to support them either if there is no traffic to view their ads.

Bad move on photobuckets part IMHO.

If they evaluated their commercial vs retail hosting .... probably a good decision.
f em, i' m now trying out three ways to get around it, tapatalk, imgur, and drop box. If I can figure out how to get back in my own photobucket library I'll download em all, then delete my account.
If you have all your photos in one or a few albums downloading them isn't bad. With the free account you can only download one album at a time. I'm still downloading a few.
I'm not tech savvy to say the least but we share photos through Smugmug. Not sure if that site applies to this discussion...just thought I'd mention the site, just in case it helps.
I happened to look at a couple of Paul's posts in the Lickcreek section and saw he had used Photobucket. Shame to lose his photos.