I got a new toy delivered today

Someday isle

5 year old buck +
IMG_0786.JPG My wife thought I bought a giant axe.
I bought the new 5 1/2 foot model. It expands to both 7 1/2 and 9 1/2 feet. I have to say, it's more substantial than I anticipated. The website says it's 5 1/2 feet tall and and only comes in the Heavy Duty configuration. It has the motorcycle handles on the bottom too. It actually measure 5 feet 10 1/4 inches from the bottom of the handle to the very top. It's quite a bit heavier than I expected. I probably won't get to use it this weekend much because I have other work planned. It's supposed to storm all day tomorrow and I need to get some work done on my campground after church on Sunday. I may wander out and hinge a couple trees though just to break it in (and for fun).

I'm really pleased with the apparent quality. I'd been using just arm power and an old metal garden rake. It looks like this will be a worthwhile purchase and the right tool for the job.
So - did the wife finally figure out what that thing is for? Cause I know my wife would figure it was for some "stupid deer woods crap" but would have no idea exactly what it was for! I would tell her her something insanely stupid like, "It's a bottle opener" just to really seal the deal. Then I would get the, "I don't care what it is, just get the stupid thing out of my house before someone gets hurt with it!". Yep - just got told to go outside....music to my ears!!!!

Nice - hinging tool there SI.
you will love it!!!!

So - did the wife finally figure out what that thing is for? Cause I know my wife would figure it was for some "stupid deer woods crap" but would have no idea exactly what it was for! I would tell her her something insanely stupid like, "It's a bottle opener" just to really seal the deal. Then I would get the, "I don't care what it is, just get the stupid thing out of my house before someone gets hurt with it!". Yep - just got told to go outside....music to my ears!!!!

Nice - hinging tool there SI.

You need more junk! I just add my new junk to the other junk. When the wife ask where it came from I say "oh I've had that for years." Actually worked with a duck boat once. Which tells you I had way to many boats out back for a while.

Works with the gun safe contents too!

Nice hook someday, be careful not to pull anything on your head.
LOL J-bird. Sounds like your wife completely understands your needs and that you have a marriage and partnership that really works. I'm sure there are others here who would say the same thing about their wives, and I hope it's true, but my wife is the best. We have a great system. Fortunately we've been blessed to have everything we need and most of the things we want. We each put equal amounts in our basic expenses every month. We budget our monthly investments and savings all with a long range plan in mind. We're older now (fifties) and even with kids in college our income outweighs our expenses and planned savings. Other than our house payment we have no debt. After that, she buys what she wants and I buy what I want and we support each other in everything. She isn't an active participant in what I do out on "The Island" but she takes a strong interest in everything the boys and I do out there and she totally gets it. She knows it's been a lifelong dream for me and that I willingly put it off until life's more pressing priorities had passed. She's also a math/science teacher so she understands everything I'm talking about whether it's habitat or mechanical in nature...and she likes deer meat. I love having an intelligent, practical wife that's smarter than I am.
My wife is pretty cool.....but the tools go outside.
Agreed - it went outside as soon as I took the picture. I spent 21 years as an auto mechanic. There are plenty of tools out in the garage and in the basement. None in the living areas. Now turkey calls and golf clubs - that's a different story.
Someday - When you said your wife likes deer meat, it hit home with me. It's how I met my wife - she was cooking a couple deer roasts at a party I went to years ago. When I entered the house, I smelled the food cooking and asked one of the party-goers what was cooking. He said some girl was doing some venison roasts in the kitchen. I went out and struck up a conversation with her - she gave me a sample of the meat to taste - and we're married for 30 years now !!!!! She loves venison too, and has never uttered one word of protest about the hunting my sons and I do. She's outdoors-y - but not a hunter. No grief from her at all concerning outdoor matters. I'm lucky !!!

Great looking, heavy-duty habitat hook. I have no doubt you'll be using it on a regular basis.
For those of us not in the know, like myself, please explain what this tool is and how it works. I can honestly say I have never seen one before now.
For those of us not in the know, like myself, please explain what this tool is and how it works. I can honestly say I have never seen one before now.

It is a habitat hook/arborist hook. It assists in pushing, or pulling down hinged trees.
If you YouTube "habitat hook" or "hinge cutting" there are several videos that will come up showing it's use. I haven't used mine yet but having used just arm power or an old rake should be much approved upon. It's not a necessary tool but one of convenience. Im expecting it to just be a more efficient means of working - and maybe a little safer when used properly.
Hope she is not a performer. That hook might seem threatening and a bit of a commentary!
For those of us not in the know, like myself, please explain what this tool is and how it works. I can honestly say I have never seen one before now.

I think Nick deserves a little mention here (Don't know him, just heard good things about him):

You need more junk! I just add my new junk to the other junk. When the wife ask where it came from I say "oh I've had that for years." Actually worked with a duck boat once. Which tells you I had way to many boats out back for a while.

I would have thought you guys would all know about the "48 hour rule"?

It's simple:

When you buy something new, you MUST store it in plain sight. Where you might store it for a long time lets say. If 48 hours pass and the wife asks when you got that "thing" you are allowed by rule to say "That old thing? I've had it forever".

Welcome to the 48 hour rule.

Made by men for men. :emoji_man_dancing:
John - I see you're a veteran of the gender " wars " !!! ^^^^^ Psycho - cology ..........:emoji_smirk:
I would have thought you guys would all know about the "48 hour rule"?

It's simple:

When you buy something new, you MUST store it in plain sight. Where you might store it for a long time lets say. If 48 hours pass and the wife asks when you got that "thing" you are allowed by rule to say "That old thing? I've had it forever".

Welcome to the 48 hour rule.

Made by men for men. :emoji_man_dancing:
Hmmm never heard that. I will need to try that.
Hey that looks just like mine I bought a month ago, all aluminum, nicely constructed. Will be using it this weekend

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