Crossed over to the other side


5 year old buck +
I always used to think that I would never get a crossbow. Well today I picked up a Horton Storm RDX. I love shooting my vertical bow but practice time is getting harder to find and my eyes are starting to like looking thru a scope more and more. The last thing I want to do is wound a deer. My kids will also enjoy shooting it. I've only put a few bolts thru it but my first impression is wow.
Welcome to the club
Sorry but... crossbows make me cringe. I hate the fact that wisconsin has made them available to everyone. Now everyone is a "bowhunter" which granted is what the DNR wants... but the last thing i wanted was more people in the woods. Prime example last year. An uncle who has always been anti bow hunter calling us all "pork and beaners" picks up the cross bow in october and shoots a 160" 10 point over a pile over corn (rusk county so its legal) that i have been watching the last few years trying to figure out and been hunting the ethical way. Really cute. At least vertical bows required some preparation and skill. I shot his just to see and was instantly hitting bulls-eyes out to 60 yards... would love to see someone try that with a compound. You would be digging arrows out of the dirt. Old or disabled; go for it. But otherwise i feel like you should at least be presented with some sort of challenge with a 3 month long season.
Sorry but... crossbows make me cringe. I hate the fact that wisconsin has made them available to everyone. Now everyone is a "bowhunter" which granted is what the DNR wants... but the last thing i wanted was more people in the woods. Prime example last year. An uncle who has always been anti bow hunter calling us all "pork and beaners" picks up the cross bow in october and shoots a 160" 10 point over a pile over corn (rusk county so its legal) that i have been watching the last few years trying to figure out and been hunting the ethical way. Really cute. At least vertical bows required some preparation and skill. I shot his just to see and was instantly hitting bulls-eyes out to 60 yards... would love to see someone try that with a compound. You would be digging arrows out of the dirt. Old or disabled; go for it. But otherwise i feel like you should at least be presented with some sort of challenge with a 3 month long season.
Congrats to your uncle for getting a nice deer!
I am getting disk replacement surgery so I got a crossbow on a disability permit this year and I love it. I will never go back to a vertical bow. Clearly vertical bows are more challenging but if we want to base everything off of skill we should only allow recurve and long bows to hunt the full season. Limit compound bow to November and December only.

Truthfully I don't believe that, but Nov For is right about muzzleloaders and the same could be said about rifles. I still don't shoot over 30 yards with the crossbow anyways. We should be supporting each other as hunters, not looking down our noses at each other. Too many bow hunters carry a level of arrogance with them over this subject.
I am getting disk replacement surgery so I got a crossbow on a disability permit this year and I love it. I will never go back to a vertical bow. Clearly vertical bows are more challenging but if we want to base everything off of skill we should only allow recurve and long bows to hunt the full season. Limit compound bow to November and December only.

Truthfully I don't believe that, but Nov For is right about muzzleloaders and the same could be said about rifles. I still don't shoot over 30 yards with the crossbow anyways. We should be supporting each other as hunters, not looking down our noses at each other. Too many bow hunters carry a level of arrogance with them over this subject.

True. And i dont deny being arrogant when it comes to hunting. Bow hunting is something i am extremely passionate about and when there was a sudden influx of hunters (and sloppy/unprepared ones at that) in the whitetail woods, both public and private, it just frustrates me. Call me selfish but it is what it is.
Shot my First deer with a bear whitetail II
In 1980.

Shot my Last deer Nov 2015 with a browning rem 7 mm mag.

At the end of day I shot em both.

I'm going to keep shooting at them with what ever is legal.

Wait for the air bow. It's Coming. But so what?

It's not about how you shoot them "for me". It's about how you raise them, care for them, and promote their presence on your Land.
I always used to think that I would never get a crossbow. Well today I picked up a Horton Storm RDX. I love shooting my vertical bow but practice time is getting harder to find and my eyes are starting to like looking thru a scope more and more. The last thing I want to do is wound a deer. My kids will also enjoy shooting it. I've only put a few bolts thru it but my first impression is wow.

There are pros and cons to crossbows. Some folks tend to be snobs when it comes to bow hunting. "A crossbow isn't a real bow like a compound...Anyone can shoot it...It is no challenge..." Of course, this is the exact argument recurve shooters made when bows with wheels were first legalized, and probably what stick bow hunters thought when recurves came along.

There are lots of myths about crossbows. Many folks think they have better ballistics than a compound, but they don't. Bowhunting is a short range sport by nature and a crossbow does not extend the range. Arrows, even the fastest, are still very slow, and much can happen to a live target from the time the arrow leaves the bow and when it arrives. Crossbow arrows are subject to deflection from small objects just like compound bow arrows. In general, a compound bow is actually more accurate a long range in the hands of an expert than a crossbow. The shorter arrows of a crossbow lose stability faster than longer compound bow arrows.

All of the challenges associated with getting close to game, shot selection, distance, blood trailing. The two exceptions are 1) drawing, and holding in the presence of game and 2) the requirement for shooting form consistency.

When crossbows were legalized in my state, they were slow to be accepted by bowhunters. The expressed fear was that gun hunters with no concept of bowhunting would end up wounding a lot of deer. The hidden agenda of many bowhunters was that they wanted the early season to themselves and thought gun hunters would by crossbows to extend their season and they would need to share the fall woods with more hunters.

I'm a hunter education instructor, so I got an early look at crossbows during a training session before the first hunting season they became legal. The first thing I noticed was the noise. Some were so loud they sounded like a .22 rifle. One of the first things I looked for when I bought a crossbow was quiet. Unless you get a quiet one, string jumping can be a real problem. It became a problem when compound bows started shooting light arrows, but companies like Mathews found ways to make fast shooting bows that were also quiet. In those days, few companies were focusing on silencing crossbows.

I continued to hunt with my compound for many years after I bought a crossbow. I found it a great way to introduce kids into bowhunting. I had hoped to graduate to a recurve bow but I was never able convince myself that my accuracy was sufficient to keep my wounding rate at a level I'm comfortable with. Instead, as I've gotten older, I've started using both the compound and crossbow. When hunting in warm weather I love the challenge of the compound, but with my arthritis, drawing it in colder weather with heavier clothing is problematic.

I hope you enjoy your new acquisition!


Shot my First deer with a bear whitetail II
In 1980.

Shot my Last deer Nov 2015 with a browning rem 7 mm mag.

At the end of day I shot em both.

I'm going to keep shooting at them with what ever is legal.

Wait for the air bow. It's Coming. But so what?

It's not about how you shoot them "for me". It's about how you raise them, care for them, and promote their presence on your Land.

What a coincidence. My first bow harvest was with a Whitetail II as well. The "air bows" are not legal for hunting in my state yet as they don't meet our legal definition of bow. Our game wardens are well aware of them and making that point in our classes.


Please dont represent bowhunters with a xgun. Stupid easy to master, 3 trigger pulls maybe? I still have to draw, get it? The 3 dudes on my cruise were challenged and i asked for the msn card. If you are able bodied you are simply taking a braindead weapon like a rifle and dumping a buck. Women up and own it.

Please don't represent hunters with that attitude.
I am 60 years old . 20 months ago I bought a PSE Fang crossbow when I couldn't see through my peep site any more. A year ago I shot at a nice buck at 18 yds with it. Noisy shot and found no blood and no bolt and no deer. I either didn't have the bolt up against the string or had knock rotated vertical out of habit or the lighted xbow bolt nock broke. Late December found the bolt in the dead grass closer to me from where the buck was standing. January checking sight in on xbow I had the same thing happen and nock zinged up in tree tops near me and bolt went 10 yds into grass. August 25th I had my cataract surgery and I was using compound again. I took an 8 point with it 2 weeks ago. My son is taking the grandson out with the xbow in a ground blind now. My compound is a 60# model that was set at 56# after a shoulder injury. (The arrow velocity was exactly the same as my previous 70# model bow) . After the shoulder healed I never cranked the poundage back up and see no reason to do so. If I get where I can't use the compound again then I will go back to the Xbow.
I am 60 years old . 20 months ago I bought a PSE Fang crossbow when I couldn't see through my peep site any more. A year ago I shot at a nice buck at 18 yds with it. Noisy shot and found no blood and no bolt and no deer. I either didn't have the bolt up against the string or had knock rotated vertical out of habit or the lighted xbow bolt nock broke. Late December found the bolt in the dead grass closer to me from where the buck was standing. January checking sight in on xbow I had the same thing happen and nock zinged up in tree tops near me and bolt went 10 yds into grass. August 25th I had my cataract surgery and I was using compound again. I took an 8 point with it 2 weeks ago. My son is taking the grandson out with the xbow in a ground blind now. My compound is a 60# model that was set at 56# after a shoulder injury. (The arrow velocity was exactly the same as my previous 70# model bow) . After the shoulder healed I never cranked the poundage back up and see no reason to do so. If I get where I can't use the compound again then I will go back to the Xbow.
Congrats on the buck!
Please dont represent bowhunters with a xgun. Stupid easy to master, 3 trigger pulls maybe? I still have to draw, get it? The 3 dudes on my cruise were challenged and i asked for the msn card. If you are able bodied you are simply taking a braindead weapon like a rifle and dumping a buck. Women up and own it.

Sorta like everyone gets a trophy for just joining the team ...
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I'm not a huge fan of xbows for a lot of the reasons mentioned. My Dad has been shooting one for over 15 years now. He taught me bow hunting with a recurve. He hadn't bow hunted for many years due to work etc. Bought an xbow when he turned 65. Took a few nice bucks with it. I've shot it 4 times. It's pretty straight forward and accurate, at least for someone who's accustomed to shooting. I'm certain he would have not hunted had he not bought one. Some good memories for him. I'll get one when I need to so I can continue to enjoy the outdoors also.
All that said, if you want to use one for whatever reason go for it. No shame from me.
Good Luck hunting this year and enjoy!
Sorta like everyone gets a trophy for just joining the team ...

Far from it. More like slow pitch softball, fast pitch softball, and baseball. Same general game but with some changes in equipment and rules to allow a broader range of folks to participate at a level that works for them.

I don't at all mind harvesting does with my crossbow, but when a mature buck comes into bow range and I have a crossbow, muzzleloader, or firearm in my hands, I really wish I had my compound. I enjoy that higher sense of accomplishment I get from a harvesting a mature buck with a compound bow. That doesn't stop me from shooting or diminish my sense of accomplishment when I harvest a mature buck with another weapon.

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. No matter how perfect one thinks they are, there is always someone better.

Hubris that divides hunters plays into the hands of those who oppose hunting....


who effing cares what everyone else is doing? If its legal, ethical, and people enjoy themselves...nobody else's opinions mean a damn thing. Why waste so much energy and effort on bitching about xbows? Pointless. When compounds first came out, the traditional crowd was all up at arms about them...and look how that turned out. Get over it and move along. Adapt and overcome seems to always produce far better results than bitch and moan. And honestly if you are shooting a modern compound and bitching about "how easy" it is with a cross bow...then sack up and go make your own long bow, arrows, and broadheads and hunt with them. or make a spear, or kill one with a knife....if it's all about making it harder. Furthermore, dont plant food plots or do habitat work that manipulates deer movements and dont hunt from tree stands. Go all the way old school and hunt them only on 100% natural movements from the ground with the most primitive weapon allowed by law. This whole "its too easy" logic is flawed to the core.

I'm with Bill...i will hunt and kill deer with what ever legal implement is in season and enjoy the hell out of it! PS...i haven't ever hunted with a xbow...always have been a vertical bow guy. My old man has one that he never uses...i think i'm gonna borrow it for my next hunt and kill something with it just out of spite for this thread. hopefully i'll have some pics to share!
I started using a crossbow this year. While I wouldn't consider myself fully scared of heights, I've never felt comfortable standing and shooting a compound from my climbing stand. Using the crossbow makes it easier to shoot while seated, and allows me to feel better about climbing higher in the tree.
I took the plunge myself 2 years ago. I did it so my kids could hunt archery without them needing a bow specifically for them. I have used it and killed deer with it myself - when I have lacked the practice time as well. Mine wasn't a "game changer" that many claim them to be - simply because I limit myself to my normal archery range. At extended distances they need practice just like any other box. They are great for kids or those with mobility issues or simply running short on time to practice.

I'm not even going to put a caption.......
join me.jpg
Don't break a blood vessel in your eye :D

If someone thinks I need to wear pink undies to hunt with my Xbow that's fine they can think that. And I get to not give a sheet what they think. We'll get to agree on something else later.