
Merle Hawggard

5 year old buck +
Has cwd changed deer hunting for you? It's been here in Arkansas for a lot longer than the agf thought at first and the area keeps growing. Not close to my place yet, but quite a few of the guys I work with have property that will most likely have it soon if they don't already.
I only harvest a deer or two a year. CWD has not changed what I shoot. In Illinois I get my tested by the DNR for free. No positives yet but if I get one I likely will be tossing the meat into the garbage can. Would suck to do as I pay for deer processing. CWD has been discovered near me in Wisconsin but the concentrated areas are still a ways off, for now. No testing available for a number of years now in my area, hopefully some sort of test becomes availalbe in the near future.
I'm sure there'll be a lot of changes here this fall. The agfc says they're safe, but don't eat any if you know they have cwd. It wouldn't surprise me if it's not the end of our elk heard.
Wisconsin has found trying to eradicate it by killing every deer did not work. They also found that 40% of mature bucks carry cwd(primary carrier) in a cwd area. Not sure how the mature buck part aligns with qdm. Almost all the Wisconsin cases the last 10 years are now coming from kennel deer that escape.It has not affected land prices or deer hunting per se. Imo it's like getting hsv2, no cure, live with it.
At least it's good to know it won't kill all the deer out. I didn't know they could live with it. I'm thinking they'll ban feeding corn and it still wouldn't surprise me if the agfc wipe out the elk.
Some reports I have read say deer can have it for 2 to 4 years(or more) before it kills them. Most deer are shot before they even get close to that age, so of course they will not "die" directly from the CWD. It doesn't mean they do not have CWD and are not spreading the CWD throughout the environment, all it means is that the deer didn't die as a direct result of the CWD.
It isn't where I hunt yet, so it hasn't changed anything for me yet. Some of my hunts are done in the urban parks where they only have the special hunts every other year. Got to imagine that if CWD hits those herds that the hunts will happen every year and that will result in much fewer mature bucks being shot each hunt.
I only harvest a deer or two a year. CWD has not changed what I shoot. In Illinois I get my tested by the DNR for free. No positives yet but if I get one I likely will be tossing the meat into the garbage can. Would suck to do as I pay for deer processing. CWD has been discovered near me in Wisconsin but the concentrated areas are still a ways off, for now. No testing available for a number of years now in my area, hopefully some sort of test becomes availalbe in the near future.

Juneau County had CWD testing stations at WI River Meats, Todd's Taxidermy and Froh's Taxidermy last year. They're adding Rockie Top Meats in Elroy this year. I believe WI River Meats and Todd's Taxidermy has helped with CWD testing for a few years now.
Todd's Taxidermy, is that Todd Brandt's business?
Yup, that's it! Thanks badger!
Yeah, he did my hooded merganser back in the day, but that was 25 years ago, and I had forgotten his last name.
Hopefully we'll get something set up to test around here. They say not to eat infected deer/elk, but the first one to test positive was killed last October and they only found out a month or so ago.
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Merle, sorry for the derail of your thread, back to CWD............

Pretty simple really. If you are worried, just have any deer you shoot tested, and don't consume any meat until the results come back. Throw it away if it tests positive.

Oops, those posts crossed in cyberland, lol. Yes, way more testing facilities are needed in the affected states and newer quicker tests are needed as well. Maybe a $1 per license charge needs to be set up in all states, to further CWD research. Sooner or later, you will either have it in your area or you will be fighting like mad to keep it out of your area, either way, everyone should be willing to fund some of the research.
Merle, sorry for the derail of your thread, back to CWD............

Pretty simple really. If you are worried, just have any deer you shoot tested, and don't consume any meat until the results come back. Throw it away if it tests positive.

Oops, those posts crossed in cyberland, lol. Yes, way more testing facilities are needed in the affected states and newer quicker tests are needed as well. Maybe a $1 per license charge needs to be set up in all states, to further CWD research. Sooner or later, you will either have it in your area or you will be fighting like mad to keep it out of your area, either way, everyone should be willing to fund some of the research.
Lol, it's all good. That may be the plan here, I think there's talk of raising the sportsman permit 5 dollars this year and I'm sure it's to help cover with costs.
It isn't where I hunt yet, so it hasn't changed anything for me yet. Some of my hunts are done in the urban parks where they only have the special hunts every other year. Got to imagine that if CWD hits those herds that the hunts will happen every year and that will result in much fewer mature bucks being shot each hunt.
A park I hunt used to have APR's and no anterless permits that I'm aware of prior to the discovery of CWD in the area. Since the discovery APR's are gone and every permit issued it an either sex permit. Now fawns make up a large part of the harvest, with yearlings approaching trophy status.
Juneau County had CWD testing stations at WI River Meats, Todd's Taxidermy and Froh's Taxidermy last year. They're adding Rockie Top Meats in Elroy this year. I believe WI River Meats and Todd's Taxidermy has helped with CWD testing for a few years now.
I think that's for mature bucks, not just anybody bringing a deer in for processing.
I think that's for mature bucks, not just anybody bringing a deer in for processing.

To my knowledge it's for any deer brought in and wanting to be tested. They would like to have as many mature bucks but will test any deer they can. I think they tested 95 deer last year with none testing positive.
To my knowledge it's for any deer brought in and wanting to be tested. They would like to have as many mature bucks but will test any deer they can. I think they tested 95 deer last year with none testing positive.
Forgot about the surveillance areas in the region last year. I believe you are correct that any deer harvested within the surveillance areas was eligible for testing. I also thought we were just outside of the 10 mile radius from the Adams county positive and therefore outside of the surveillance area, but looking at the map we were just inside. Should've had our deer tested last year :mad:.
Has cwd changed deer hunting for you? It's been here in Arkansas for a lot longer than the agf thought at first and the area keeps growing. Not close to my place yet, but quite a few of the guys I work with have property that will most likely have it soon if they don't already.

It hasn't changed anything for me. One of the best spots I've ever hunted, I could see the road that was the boundary for a CWD zone and non-CWD zone. Different rules for each area.

As NoFo said earlier land prices don't seem to be affected in the least.

In the main area of our CWD zone there is a county that recommended shooting 14,000 antlerless for the upcoming season to decrease the population.
I'm in a CWD zone in N. MO as of last year. To date none have tested positive in our county but 7 have in the county to the south.

Not much yet but the ones coming could be diasterious to us QDM/TDM guys. I'm nearly certain a day will come when I'll kick myself for not selling the farm right now. We are going to be required to test any animal killed during the first two days of firearms season next year.

N. MO is Iowa's red headed step sister. We can grow decent deer and MDC has in the past worked with landowners to do just this. CWD washed that away. We lost APR's and have increased doe permits once again. Shooting anything less than a decent 8 had become frowned upon even at the fudd level. I'm sure as MDC pushes killing small bucks and the fudds find it acceptable once again things will slowly change for the worse. Down south where it originated I have seen decent farms sit on the market for years. No one wants to hunt ground zero.

It may be counter productive but I ain't reporting any sick deer. The snipers will show up and clean house.
I think selling would be pointless Bill, IMO. It will be everywhere that has a high DPSM eventually and we know that a decent DPSM and good genetics are what would drive us to purchase a property in the first place. No disease recognizes state lines, so it is coming, it is just a matter of time if you have good densities.