Zone 3 no Vines?


5 year old buck +
Vines aren't a huge friend of deer habibtat, they do help some with brushy growth areas. However, at camp an in my general area absolutely no vine plants. No ivys, no grapes, no rose bush, no biars. Nothing. It's kinda wierd. Not sure if -30 to -40 deg spells kill those perennials. Seems odd. A reason why I am trying to get mulberry to live up theres, some quick to recover bushy cover when spots get logged.
If wild riverbank grapes don't survive there, mulberries certainly won't either
If wild riverbank grapes don't survive there, mulberries certainly won't either
You might be right. I bought (2) northrup mulberry trees and 2 more common ones to graft to. Northrup mulberry originated in sant lawrence NY on he canadian border zone 3. See if she goes. Wild american plum didn't go so hot up there. Not dead, but not really growing. Thinking winter dieback. They say zone 3 as well. I am in old usda zone 3 rezoned 4. Get lake effect snow and polar vortexes from canada still. Not trying anytihng zone 4 up there, got to be called zone 3. About 1700-1800ft elevation and sandy soil.
Riverbank grape bareroot is cheap, plant some and find out.
If you don't have any grape vines trying to grow up and smother stuff count yourself lucky. Why introduce a future problem? Unless you are trying to fight fire with fire. Maybe you have buckthorn, MFR, jap barberry or some other evil you just want to get medieval on and get spiteful. Will say have some prickly ash that the grapes are now starting to cover up. Didn't think anything was gonna slow that stuff down.
If you don't have any grape vines trying to grow up and smother stuff count yourself lucky. Why introduce a future problem? Unless you are trying to fight fire with fire. Maybe you have buckthorn, MFR, jap barberry or some other evil you just want to get medieval on and get spiteful. Will say have some prickly ash that the grapes are now starting to cover up. Didn't think anything was gonna slow that stuff down.
I'm not adding any. Just wondering why they are not there? Dense bedding areas by me is birch regenerative growth. Not much dense spruce by me either. I do need to ID some of the yonger shrub growth going forward on thsi place.

Just wondering why they aren't there. Feel I like they should be wanted or unwanted. Totally agree though, one less headache.
Wild grape vine is indeed a PITA, but I'd have to say that bittersweet is pretty destructive/aggressive. It's especially bad on family land in central Vermont. I just looked it up, and the USDA says that is now zone 5a. Not so sure about that.