5 year old buck +
Well here is my first try at switch. I converted most of the old food plots to switch. Started this process 2 years ago in spring of 2020. 2021 provided a D3 drought so for most of the year the ground sat bare with very little growing. This year we got some rain and things took off a little. I sprayed simazine on it this spring. Some spots I had pretty good patches of thistle and horsetail coming in thick so I mowed those July 4th. 2 weeks ago when I was up I mowed a few patches again. Some of it is about 4 feet tall. It now looks like the switch has established even where I mowed.
I chased a couple nice does out when I came to mow in it. I have this planted in 3 patches that amount to about a half an acre, but it vastly increased the amount of cover I want for the deer on the main route they take through the property. Nice to see they are using it.

I chased a couple nice does out when I came to mow in it. I have this planted in 3 patches that amount to about a half an acre, but it vastly increased the amount of cover I want for the deer on the main route they take through the property. Nice to see they are using it.