World coming to an end here


5 year old buck +
Well ........ we're supposed to get up to 2 feet of snow here in S.E. Pa. Big " nor'easter " coming. Panic has set in and stores are all out of milk & bread, eggs, etc. Weather up-dates every 5 minutes on TV. Wills being made out I think. ( Shut up Chummer !!!!! :D :p After working up in your neighborhood .......... no snow scares me anymore - down here anyway !! ) To the locals around here, it's the apocalypse. :eek: Been nice knowing you guys !! :rolleyes:
I just went through it today and survived. Best wishes.
Well ........ we're supposed to get up to 2 feet of snow here in S.E. Pa. Big " nor'easter " coming. Panic has set in and stores are all out of milk & bread, eggs, etc. Weather up-dates every 5 minutes on TV. Wills being made out I think. ( Shut up Chummer !!!!! :D :p After working up in your neighborhood .......... no snow scares me anymore - down here anyway !! ) To the locals around here, it's the apocalypse. :eek: Been nice knowing you guys !! :rolleyes:
I got 30 inches of snow one night last winter. I took out the snow blower and shoveled the walk. LOL. Had breakfast and called it a day. LOL
Sorry, hope you get through it all right.
They just did a story on our news talking about all the snow you are getting. The locals they were talking to didn't understand why they were being interviewed. "Just another day around here." 100" in a week and they start to get a little irritated. Good luck. We have had a very mild winter so far with temps and snow. Just stay home for a couple days. There will be a baby boom in 9 months!
Sitting in South Jersey right now and haven't seen a flake from snowmegednen.
I don't remember hype like this when I was kid. Of coarse back then we only had 3,6,10 and maybe 2 uhf channels if the rabbit ears cooperated.

Now there's so many talking heads they run out stuff to sensationalize. "Is the head dead yet?"

Pifft, not so many years ago I'd be at the shore duck hunting the back bay tomorrow. Nothing like low flyers in a snow storm.
Well ........ we're supposed to get up to 2 feet of snow here in S.E. Pa. Big " nor'easter " coming. Panic has set in and stores are all out of milk & bread, eggs, etc. Weather up-dates every 5 minutes on TV. Wills being made out I think. ( Shut up Chummer !!!!! :D :p After working up in your neighborhood .......... no snow scares me anymore - down here anyway !! ) To the locals around here, it's the apocalypse. :eek: Been nice knowing you guys !! :rolleyes:
Get a good book and sit back and enjoy it. Be careful so there are no emergencies at home when you can't get out.

As soon as the snow stops, the work starts.
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They just did a story on our news talking about all the snow you are getting. The locals they were talking to didn't understand why they were being interviewed. "Just another day around here." 100" in a week and they start to get a little irritated. Good luck. We have had a very mild winter so far with temps and snow. Just stay home for a couple days. There will be a baby boom in 9 months!
This is true. We experienced it in the fall of 2014 after a rough January and February.
This is true. We experienced it in the fall of 2014 after a rough January and February.
Yup lots of September and October babies. Apparently my wife and her family practiced this type of "warming ritual". My wife was born in Sept, my step-daughter was born in Oct, and my oldest BIL was also born in Oct.
Leave it to the media to blow something way out of proportion. Though with some brain dead people that walk among us they probably have to hype it that much just to get them to pay attention long enough that they dont say no one told them! We get a kick out of listening to the weather for the east and west coast here. What is a major event for them is likely a weekly event here.
Love the comments, guys !! That's why I was posting this thread. The Phila. area gets about a foot of snow in a big snow year - they're getting more than that from this one storm. Panic everywhere. I grew up in the mountains where this was no big deal. cars getting stuck with 2" of snow on the roads !!!o_O

I had to put a blast in there for Chummer - I KNEW he'd get a kick out of my thread and surely comment !! This is dandruff up where he lives.
Update - my power never even blinked once.

But over in the area where all the cultural elite transplants have their $80,000 half acre lake lots, the power has been out over 24 hours and still out.


Because they whine, moan, complain and throw a fit if anyone touches the smallest limb on their precious trees, so the right of way doesn't stay properly trimmed.

LOL, before this day is over - it will be properly trimmed - and they won't say a word. What goes around comes around.

Sorry to seem so joyous about this but I used to be the one who had to listen to them whine. It's a never ending cycle of stupidity.

But reality is that I can't really get joy from it, because there are also some good people in that area that suffers because of them. That's life....
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Oh the horror! I had to use my self propelled snow blower with heated handlebars to get this stuff off the drive.


On a serious note duck hunting the beach would have been a bust this AM. My buddy sent me this and said our small sneak boxes could have made it down Ocean drive. In places we could have gotten from the back bay to the ocean.

Gotta love a beach house during a nor'easter......
Glad I don't have one.


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Native - From some things you've said in the past, I figured you were with a power co. of some sort. It's an amazing transformation that happens to people when the power goes out !! Whole different perspective on things then. Snow or ice at your place ?? I heard on the news you guys further south were getting ice. Ice = a zillion trouble calls.

Bill - how many times do the " beachers " in N.J. and Delaware have to get flooded out before they fold up ??? Some of those people didn't even get re-built from Sandy 3 years ago, and the ones who did get back in their beach houses are under water again !! I see a fire sale in the near future for beach-front property.
Native - From some things you've said in the past, I figured you were with a power co. of some sort. It's an amazing transformation that happens to people when the power goes out !! Whole different perspective on things then. Snow or ice at your place ?? I heard on the news you guys further south were getting ice. Ice = a zillion trouble calls.

Bill - how many times do the " beachers " in N.J. and Delaware have to get flooded out before they fold up ??? Some of those people didn't even get re-built from Sandy 3 years ago, and the ones who did get back in their beach houses are under water again !! I see a fire sale in the near future for beach-front property.

Ice followed by snow, but not the massive amounts of ice to cause widespread devastation. But, we were close to entering that zone.
Native - From some things you've said in the past, I figured you were with a power co. of some sort. It's an amazing transformation that happens to people when the power goes out !! Whole different perspective on things then. Snow or ice at your place ?? I heard on the news you guys further south were getting ice. Ice = a zillion trouble calls.

Bill - how many times do the " beachers " in N.J. and Delaware have to get flooded out before they fold up ??? Some of those people didn't even get re-built from Sandy 3 years ago, and the ones who did get back in their beach houses are under water again !! I see a fire sale in the near future for beach-front property.

They don't fold up. 1 tiny house is worth 3 of my farms, at least on this particular peninsula. Sandy was the last time it flooded. This is the third I remember. I wasn't kidding about duck hunting, about 18 years ago my buddy's boat floated of his trailer on this exact road. (While he was pulling it) Should be interesting, high tide is again around 8 PM and there predicting tides higher than Sandy. Again on this peninsula most of the houses where livable after sandy by the following summer. Not all, but most new construction is on pilings the downstairs is basically a pull under garage or storage, no plumbing or hvac. They just go in after the water rescinds and shovel or bobcat the sand out. A friend of mine has a house there, it's a Sears and Roebuck home his grandfather built. The worst they got with sandy was some soffit and gutter damage. Water flowed right under it.

I believe many that are not rebuilt from sandy are waiting for FEMA $$ because they didn't have flood insurance. Just my belief, I'm no expert on the subject. Just my assumption because homes on the beach with mandatory flood ins. are put back together again.
Oh and.
They don't close because flood insurance is provided by the government. No private ins co. Will insure these places. Rich people welfare!

A guy in Nebraska's tax money subsidizes insurance for some poor guys $10 mil home on the jersey shore.

Crop insurance, flood insurance, ethanol subsidy's, on and on it goes.
Ice followed by snow, but not the massive amounts of ice to cause widespread devastation. But, we were close to entering that zone.
The mention of ice storms stills sends the shivers down everybodys spines around here. A few years ago we had a major ice storm 3/4" of ice and high winds. No power at all for 3 days. limited power with a small generator for a few days and then our small town was on a city wide generator for 2 more weeks before we can "normal" power. Bent the steel structures that hold the high voltage lines into pretzel like structures. Took most of the spring and summer to repair the remaining lines to the rest of the area.
The mention of ice storms stills sends the shivers down everybodys spines around here. A few years ago we had a major ice storm 3/4" of ice and high winds. No power at all for 3 days. limited power with a small generator for a few days and then our small town was on a city wide generator for 2 more weeks before we can "normal" power. Bent the steel structures that hold the high voltage lines into pretzel like structures. Took most of the spring and summer to repair the remaining lines to the rest of the area.

Yes, 3/4 of an inch is a disaster. Even in the NESC Heavy Loading Zone, the design criteria is only 1/2 inch with 40 mph winds. There are some safety factors built in, but there isn't any place that will survive that without a lot of problems.

In the 1994 ice storm I saw some people go for 10 days without power.

In 2009 there was a utility about an hour from me that served several counties. When it was all over they had 8 customers on the whole system still with power.

Wet snow won't break lines, but it will take trees down over lines. Ice on the other hand will break lines and give a double whammy with bringing down trees too.

None of it is fun.
The mention of ice storms stills sends the shivers down everybodys spines around here. A few years ago we had a major ice storm 3/4" of ice and high winds. No power at all for 3 days. limited power with a small generator for a few days and then our small town was on a city wide generator for 2 more weeks before we can "normal" power. Bent the steel structures that hold the high voltage lines into pretzel like structures. Took most of the spring and summer to repair the remaining lines to the rest of the area.

Sorry for getting political. But this is why I think every Berrnie supporter should go the the former Soviet Union. Entire city's used one boiler for heat. If you were at the end of line you got none. When it went down no one got any. Whole cities getting hot water and heat from the central planners boiler building. One of the saddest things I've ever witnessed. But hey everyone was equal, except the planners. They lived high on the hog.
Update - 2 ft. here and snow has ended except for flurries. Spent the whole day with my snow blower clearing my place and 4 neighbors' places. Township plow trucks will probably come around during the night and plow our driveways closed again. So ....... we'll start all over again in the A.M. and un-do what the township did to us overnight. Plowing at a slower speed would keep from throwing snow back onto sidewalks and into driveways, but common sense is nowhere to be found. It's the same thing every time when we get any amount of snow.

On the bright side - I have a good fire all day in the woodstove and a pile of dry firewood. Big pot of chile on the stove, followed by Irish whiskey cake that's not shy with the Tullamore Dew Irish whiskey. Good formula for the end of a long day. Time to lay the carcass away !!