Wisconsin Guys ... Who is hunting this weekend?

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
Was planning on going out Sat afternoon. Glassed the fields Friday night and Sat am and almost movement. On fri late afternoon drive into our place the field which would normally have deer by 6 pm were empty. Thought I would wait and see Sat afternoon. Well temps got up to 88 deg F by 2:30 pm, and with how bad the mosquitoes (after the flooding rains they are out in droves) I decided to hold off.

This 4.5 year wide 8 came walking through Fri nite.

I planned to hunt yesterday, but the mosquitoes changed my mind too! I don't remember them ever being this bad.
I probably won't hunt until sometime in October. Mainly because of time but no big boys on camera has it's influence too.

Nice buck Tree Spud. Go out there and get him early season!
The heat and the mosquitoes are just deal breakers. I have a full beekeepers head gear but I do not care to wear it. I have also seen the acorns starting to fall, which tends to keep the deer out of my food plots and in the neighbors 60 acre old growth oak woods. It is a 110+ day archery and gun season so right now I am just waiting for at least the temps to cool down.
If us southern boys stayed at home because of heat and mosquitos - we might not ever hunt.:emoji_sunglasses:

Yeah, but you think 45 deg F is cold .... let me know when you have 3" of snow on top of you and your gun, your cover towel is frozen to your scope.

Oh btw ... you can't feel your feet, and when you try and pull your trigger ... you can't feel your finger ...

Have bow hunted and gun hunted in temps as low as -7-10 deg F below zero (no enclosed stand) .... it's worth it if you are strong enough :emoji_wink:

We all have are challenges ... :emoji_relaxed:
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Yeah, but you think 45 deg F is cold .... let me know when you have 3" of snow on top of you and your gun, your cover towel is frozen to your scope.

Oh btw ... you can't feel your feel, and when you try and pull your trigger ... you can't feel your finger ...

Have bow hunted and gun hunted in temps as low as -7-10 deg F below zero (no enclosed stand) .... it's worth it if you are strong enough :emoji_wink:

We all have are challenges ... :emoji_relaxed:

We might have a day or two in single digits and one three inch snow per year - but I know that is nothing to you northern guys. Even us southern folks look forward to the cold days we have - but even most of our “cold” days will creep up above freezing in the afternoon.
Thats a nice buck Spud! Ive got a few buddies in Buffalo Co that were filming some nice deer on the plots right up to Saturday as well, then that heat shut it all down.

I love o be in a tree and I know you cant kill one from the couch, but.... there comes a point where it doesnt feel anything like deer hunting! At 85+ degree, i gotta draw the line and say, there will be much better days! I still like to enjoy hunting :)
Thats a nice buck Spud! Ive got a few buddies in Buffalo Co that were filming some nice deer on the plots right up to Saturday as well, then that heat shut it all down.

I love o be in a tree and I know you cant kill one from the couch, but.... there comes a point where it doesnt feel anything like deer hunting! At 85+ degree, i gotta draw the line and say, there will be much better days! I still like to enjoy hunting :)

I agree, activity shut down mid to early last week as the temps jumped. This weekend looks to be moving in the right direction temp wise, we'll see what happens.