Windows 10


5 year old buck +
Has anyone took the plunge and upgraded to 10 yet?

I'm currently downloading to my laptop, only time will tell if it goes ok.

This maybe me in a few hours.

I upgraded from 7 and 8.1 on 4 computers to 10.

However, my work laptop is 7, and I use it 97% of the time. Windows 8.1 and 10 are a definite big difference. I struggle on both platforms a little bit. I cant comment much on 10 in general. I upgraded mainly because it was free and figured it must have a bunch of fixes for sumpin'.
I bought a new laptop with windows 10 installed a couple weeks ago. Still getting used to it and I can say its been OK, but I don't use 50% of the features so what do I know.
2.5 hours later and the screen says your pc will restart several times, sit back and relax.

Sent from a Droid phone, using Tapatalk.

3 hours I maybe done by sun up

Sent from a Droid phone, using Tapatalk.
My upgrade took about a hour. Everything did transfer .I had an old program that wouldn't work.

Sent from my SM-N910R4 using Tapatalk
I am afraid!
After I upgraded to Windoes 7......I threw it away and upgraded to Apple....and never looked back. Bliss.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Ran the Win 10 beta releases on a desktop for 3 months prior to public release. Needless to say I am not impressed, it's ok, but most of the improvements are things I will never use anyway and the myriad amounts of extra Microsoft spyware and ways they trap you into providing tracking information are sickening(some are impossible to turn off or override) and enough to keep me on Windows 7 until support ends for it in Jan of 2020. Hopefully by then, Linux will be more user friendly than it is now and more software will be developed that will run on Linux out of the box, instead of having to use workarounds. If that happens, Microsoft and Apple can both suck it, they will both go down in flames when people can get a stable, fast, and virtually virus free(even better than Apple OS) operating system software for nothing(or about $15 for the Premium versions) that can be completely customized to look and operate exactly the way the end user wants it to.
^ one can hope.
I am afraid!
You should be. I had nothing but trouble. Currently in the process of going back to Windows 7. I had most of this post written and the pc just stopped. On the wife's kindle now.