whip and tongue vs cleft


5 year old buck +
whip and tongue vs cleft seems like cleft graft would be easier, why don't many people do this kind of graft?
whip and tongue vs cleft seems like cleft graft would be easier, why don't many people do this kind of graft?
I may be the only one, but I have much better success with whip and tongue. For some reason my cleft grafts fail most of the time.
I did about 25 cleft grafts for every whip and tongue this spring.
For me I just like the way whip and tongue lock together better.
I use both. However I do far more cleft. Tends to be faster. On pear root stock it is easier because it tends to be knobby and harder to get a nice flat cut. I do like the looks of a nice W/T, but have not seen a difference in takes between the 2 types of grafts for me.
I guess I like the strength provided by the whip and tongue, only time I do a cleft is when the scion is too small for a good whip and tongue.