whats wrong with site


5 year old buck +
Its kicked me off last 2 nights and I have to re log in from scratch.The remember me must not be working
First I've heard of it being a problem.

Anyone else having similar issues?
I have not.
No issues
Its kicked me off last 2 nights and I have to re log in from scratch.The remember me must not be working

Fine here.

Depending on which browser you are using, try clearing the cache and anything else it will let you get rid of.

I had to re-login a day or two ago for the first time in a long time on my devices. Been fine since. I figured the site or browser updated.
It’s been fine for me
My guess is that it puts a cookie on your local machine to remember you. There are times when one of these forums will forget everyone, but that doesn't happen often. More often individuals have something go wrong with cookies on their local machine. They are either deleted by accident, expire, or are corrupted. If the forum software can't read the cookie, it will forget the user.
I like cookies ;)
Hmm maybe someone visited somewhere they didn’t want anyone else to see where they had been and did a little modifying of those cookies and browser history.
Yeah, if you open an "incognito" window in Google Chrome it will forget you. Some places like our local newspaper try to limit access without a subscription to 10 articles. Using an incognito window circumvents this limit, since they track your browsing history using cookies. Of course, that assumes that I really want to read anything in our local rag...
Never had a problem.
No problem since those 2 times