What is your method for trying to spread seed evenly?


5 year old buck +
I'm wondering what your methods for spreading seeds evenly when it really matters. For example...brassica...if you spread to thick you can get plants which are stunted or worse, choke each other out and die. Spread to thin...and well you have a less than desirable plot which may grow a substantial amount of weeds. I currently use a "HuntStand" app to try and measure how large my food plots are, although I have no idea how accurate it is. I then calculate the seed I need to spread. The hard part is using a hand broadcast spreader and walking. I never get it right. I try to be on the side of spreading too little as I can always go back and throw some more seed but the problem with that is you have no idea really where your thicker and thinner areas are so you risk spreading more seed in an already heavy seeded area. I am wondering what everyone else does to try and throw the proper amount of seed and in as even a coverage as possible. thanks!
Try doing quadrants. Lets say you have an acre and need 8 lbs of seed per acre. divide the plot in fours as close as you can. Remember it's just a plot. Put 2 lbs of seed and do a quad. See how you do on the metering, then adjust your method for the next quad. You should get pretty good at it in short time.
With a hand seeder or spreader behind a 4 wheeler - i go light and spread one way and then spread again perpendicular to the first path of spreading
With a hand seeder or spreader behind a 4 wheeler - i go light and spread one way and then spread again perpendicular to the first path of spreading
I'd do the same go light, plant again parallel with this last run, but between them and again perpendicular.
With a hand seeder or spreader behind a 4 wheeler - i go light and spread one way and then spread again perpendicular to the first path of spreading
This is what I do also and it works pretty well.
Only thing to add that I try is: If I didn't hit it exactly right and have a small amount left over I usually seed it a bit heavier on the uphill side (if there is one) accounting for the seed washing down a bit.
You can also get coated seed, put some type of easy to see "filler" mixed in the spreader with the seed(many guys used pellet lime), or even coat the seeds with powdered ag lime, similar to adding inoculant to clover seeds.
Coated seed helps with a visual and light spreading in multiple but different directions helps as well.
all good suggestions so far. thanks everyone!
I walk fast and try to make three passes. Open the gate as little as possible. Not sure which hand seeder yo have but what I do is move my hand up the seeder once in a while just to be able to feel how much seed is being cast out. It's a lot more walking but I never have a problem with seed being heavy or uneven.
Bulk it up with sand, pelletized lime, fertilizer, etc. I’ve painted my share of green stripes too.

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