What is this????


5 year old buck +
Friend sent me these pictures this morning. What is it?

We have those around our place. It's a style of moth, don't know the name specifically. If fact, here is one the kids drug in recently.

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cecropia moth
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Its a little challenging only seeing the underside but I believe post #1 is a polyphemus moth. Its is a widspread giant silkworm moth. That one is a male and looks freshly out of its cocoon. Lives for less than a week as an adult moth. Good find.

Post #2 is a cercropia moth. Another giant silkworm moth but slightly larger, different diets and brooding. Also a good find.

Both have reduced or no mouth parts so they are harmless. I think the cercropia does not even have a digestive system as an adult.

You can actually draw both of these to lights at night with some special techniques. My boys liked doing this when young and I will admit that I also think they have some cool colors/shapes on the wings/body.
