What is on my Apple Tree?


5 year old buck +
What are the orange spots. Just appeared last week. This is a dolgo I am growing in a tub. Eliza’s Choice looks the same. My dolgo’s in the ground do not look like this.
most likely cedar apple rust or some other fungus .. future chemical treatments will help ... best fungicides are ...
"The most effective types of fungicides to use are those that inhibit fungal sterols. They are known as “SI,” or sterol inhibitors."
Be sure to gather up and destroy any leaves that fall off this tree; you might consider moving its location (since it's in a container) and see if that makes a difference in the future

This might be helpful ....
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CAR; Cedar apple rust. Cut down all your eastern red cedar trees nearby. Your neighbors' too! Better do it at night.
If I cut ten cedars a day, and lived to be 100, I would not run out of cedars. Wonder why those trees in the ground dont have it?
Dolgos vary based on whether they are seedling or grafted trees. CAR resistance depends on the genetics. For seedlings, each one might or might not be resistant. For grafted trees, it depends on the Dolgo that was used for the scion. Possible that even from a particular nursery, they might use a mix of Dolgo scionwood when they graft.
If I cut ten cedars a day, and lived to be 100, I would not run out of cedars. Wonder why those trees in the ground dont have it?

haha.... I feel your pain. Where I'm at if you don't mow a field for a year or two you end up with a beautiful stand of eastern red cedar. They make good bedding when they're small but I still hate the dang things.
If I cut ten cedars a day, and lived to be 100, I would not run out of cedars. Wonder why those trees in the ground dont have it?
The secret down south is to plant cultivars that are resistant to CAR and other juniper rusts.
PS - that is a very mild case - perhaps approaching a moderate case. That much CAR won’t affect fruiting or tree health. If it never gets any worse, don’t worry about it. If you want to see CAR Hell, plant a Goldrush.

Wind carries the spores, so that might explain why some have it and some don’t. Also as previously mentioned, all Dolgos are not created equal.
According to Cornell one would need to cut all of the red cedars for a four plus mile area to get beyond the reach of CAR. As Native says if it isn't cedar Appel rust resistant, don't plant it. And also as he states the tree does not need to be totally resistant. Trees here can have some rust reaction and still produce a great crop of apples.
Just always plant CAR resistant apples and fire blight resistant pears and your life will be alot easier
I have a liberty apple tree which looks to have the same affliction. I thought they were supposed to exhibit CAR resistance.
If I cut ten cedars a day, and lived to be 100, I would not run out of cedars. Wonder why those trees in the ground dont have it?
CAR looks different on red cedars, if that is what you are refering to.
CAR looks different on red cedars, if that is what you are refering to.
Yes sir - I know it looks different on cedars.
I have a liberty apple tree which looks to have the same affliction. I thought they were supposed to exhibit CAR resistance.

There is a difference between resistance and immunity. Your location is ground zero for CAR Hell and my location is a little better but not a lot. For where you are, that’s probably not bad for Liberty in a bad outbreak year.

When you see a cultivar that’s not resistant you will understand. All of the leaves will die and the tree will grow another set of leaves. Oddly enough the new leaves will not show CAR, because the attack is over with by that time. However, you will also not see much if any fruit due to the defoliation and stress the tree has been through.
I topworked my Goldrush to Yates last year but still have a picture for you of what CAR looks like on Goldrush in the South in a year with mild infections:


And this is a grafted Dolgo a few feet away from the above tree:


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I don't think there is anything you can do to treat it this year. I think the only time to treat it is when the buds start green tipping. Correct me if I'm wrong guys.
This is Liberty in my yard today. It stands 63 feet from a massive red cedar. As you can see, there is some minor CAR, but the apple crop is going to be fabulous. So "no," you don't have to do something stupid like cutting down every cedar in the state to have good apples. Just make good choices - like you are apparently already doing.

That goldrush is pretty dang bad. Makes me feel better about my trees today. My liberty isnt bad at all. Right next to an AR Black and a Dolgo that are showing no signs. I looked at all my apple trees today - other than the Dolgo’s and Eliza’s Choice in the containers in my front yard, only the liberty showing any sign of CAR - and it isnt as bad as the crab apples. Three dolgo’s in the field without a sign.
Does CAR get worse as the summer goes - how does the appearance run through the summer.
That goldrush is pretty dang bad. Makes me feel better about my trees today. My liberty isnt bad at all. Right next to an AR Black and a Dolgo that are showing no signs. I looked at all my apple trees today - other than the Dolgo’s and Eliza’s Choice in the containers in my front yard, only the liberty showing any sign of CAR - and it isnt as bad as the crab apples. Three dolgo’s in the field without a sign.
Does CAR get worse as the summer goes - how does the appearance run through the summer.

I feel the CAR duration varies with weather/ climate.

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That goldrush is pretty dang bad. Makes me feel better about my trees today. My liberty isnt bad at all. Right next to an AR Black and a Dolgo that are showing no signs. I looked at all my apple trees today - other than the Dolgo’s and Eliza’s Choice in the containers in my front yard, only the liberty showing any sign of CAR - and it isnt as bad as the crab apples. Three dolgo’s in the field without a sign.
Does CAR get worse as the summer goes - how does the appearance run through the summer.
Leaves with a bad case will worsen through the summer as it gets hotter and drier. Leaves with a mild case may not. As I mentioned earlier, in severe cases the leaves will eventually die and the tree will grow a new set of leaves.

I have one cultivar that can get to looking pretty bad in a year with severe infections, but it still makes great crops. It's in a remote location, so I don’t worry about the looks of the tree. That Liberty I showed above will not look worse as the summer goes on. It will look about the same at the end of the season. That's the case with most of my trees.

Over the years I have identified and topworked my bad cultivars that are negatively affected by CAR. That’s the best thing to do if you end up with one that you can’t live with.

Good luck with your trees.
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