A few too many beers?
I'm guessing it's a tumor or some sort. Any more photos of him?
He might be pregnant.
So like Escanaba in Da Moonlight says, I passed on the Turdy pnter cuz I didn't have a clear shot, took the 4 ptr. ;)
Something going on with his rack too. With the rack issue maybe some injury. I repeatedly let a nice 3.5 year walk that had a huge growth in his neck. Just like your buck, he looked healthy. Of course the neighbor shot him and I never saw what another year would have done him.
Something going on with his rack too. With the rack issue maybe some injury. I repeatedly let a nice 3.5 year walk that had a huge growth in his neck. Just like your buck, he looked healthy. Of course the neighbor shot him and I never saw what another year would have done him.
I'd let him walk and see how it pans out
I think this buck may have been shot and because his rack is a dagger on one side and 4 on the other, we will let him walk to see how he makes out next year.
I hope you keep getting pics of him to chronicle his next yr or so.
Don't injuries often affect the other side of the rack? I looks like maybe his dagger and lump are on the same side.