What bug is this?


5 year old buck +
tough angle/ almost wrong color, but jap beetle?
Looks like a fruit tree.

Definitely, looks apple. Bug looks like it could be a grapevine beetle? Just a guess.
It is on an apple tree. I had them on most of my trees. Gave them a shot of Imidam.
I get tons of them. They absolutely love rose and peony blooms. Then they go after my apples and chestnuts. I think they have a fairly short lifespan so a couple of sprays two weeks apart should take care of them.
Good call guys!! I thought I had seen every bug that loves an apple tree, but that one was new to me. I hope they stay out your way!
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So I had left a 5 gallon buck sitting by the nursery, half full of water. This is what it looks like after 2 weeks.

There was virtually no damage to the trees in the nursery.
^^^^^that's efficiency! Some times the best traps are the simplest ones!!!!
Soup !
The Imadan did a number on mine. They be dead and gone.
Bucket of coffee beans? Dark roast columbian would be my guess.
They could be the evil twin of the jap beetle. sounds like they have almost exactly the same life. Eat leaves breed and lay eggs for next year. only difference is they hatch about a month or so earlier.