Warm winter temps and Apples


5 year old buck +
Merry Christmas all! I haven't been on here in a while, I've just been to busy at work, and a little hunting. (two does down) I've had a couple inquiries about this warm weather in the east and the effects on apples. Here's a couple things to think about and a quote from Terry Bradshaw, the head of the apple team here at UVM.....

Much of the whole talk of winter hardiness and winter kill quickly turns to cold tolerant trees and rootstock. That's been talked about here at nauseum and I want to take this thread in another direction. It's true that cold tolerance and winter kill can be attributed to the trees genetics but something not talked about here is weather's effects on apple trees winter health. Trees need time to "harden off" with a slow cooling which will protect the trees from winter's chill. When things have warmed up as they have here in the NE the past few days it "CAN" be harmful to your trees.

The following is an e-mail alert I got from UVM that better explains this and some thoughts on pruning......

"by Terence Bradshaw

I've had some growers inquire and there has been general chatter lately about the risk of pruning apples and grapes now, given the warm weather we've been having. My advice will apply equally to apple and grape growers, with lessening degrees of caution: hold off as long as you can.

The danger is two-fold. Plants may begin growth if warm weather continues, since most some (i.e., grapes, but not necessarily apples) may have seen the required chill hours needed to break dormancy. Continued, extended warm weather could cause buds to swell or break which would be very susceptible to winter cold. Even if buds stay closed, cold hardiness acclimation is a two-step process initiated by shortening day length (beginning back around August) and gradually decreasing temperatures. It is that last part that likely has perennial plants like apples and grapes in a less than fully acclimated state right now. Past research on pruning apples, grapes, and peaches in fall, and meteorologically, we're still in late fall, are less hardy to deep cold in mid-winter. I know many growers are going to be ready to get out in the field after the holiday, but if at all possible, wait as long as possible, or at least after a (hopefully gentle) cold snap. Gradually decreasing temperatures will allow plants to harden off better to withstand any cold that may come. Fresh pruning wounds not only are more cold-tender, but also may stimulate bud break if conditions are right.

Thankfully the 10-14 day forecast is calling for just what we need: daytime temperatures (after the Christmas eve warmup) dropping from the 40's through the 20s and 30s and nighttime temperatures in the teens and twenties. It's best to leave your trees and vines be until at least the first week in January. I wouldn't touch a grapevine right now. On apples, the usual advise is worth following: start on your largest semi-dwarf trees and trees with lighter crop load and good nutrition/management in the past season, then move on to smaller, younger, ad more crop-stressed trees."
You can see by Terry's note that wild and abrupt temp swings during the winter that can be detrimental. Much of the winter kill talk in the spring can be attributed to these swings this time of year and not necessarily deep cold in January or February.
Thanks for posting that Maya. That answers a lot of questions that I and probably a lot of other guys had concerning this wacky weather.

Very good info. Would love to come up and see your place some time when you have some time. I hope to be able to get some enterprise going this next Apple season and want to get some advise and ideas from an expert

Marry Christmas

I'm not an expert by any means Paul, but absolutely, we should get together some time. Your welcome anytime. I've got a few young Enterprise, but I know Ma Vt Flatlander has quite a few and has a lot of experience w/ them. I'd talk to him if you have questions.
I'm not an expert by any means Paul, but absolutely, we should get together some time. Your welcome anytime. I've got a few young Enterprise, but I know Ma Vt Flatlander has quite a few and has a lot of experience w/ them. I'd talk to him if you have questions.
George by Enterprise I meant business as in Apple business. Hope to get some knowledge about running an orchard enterprise or business. I hope to be able to make a few bucks off of what I do there at least enough to pay for some chemicals and maybe a few new toys for the farm.
Great, the last two record cold winters set my trees back and now a record warm is. I can't win with these apples. I have to goals/hopes for this spring, no winter die back and to see one blossom on any apple or pear tree I planted.
Another thanks for posting that info, Maya. Been wondering about the trees at camp in N.C. Pa. and how this warm weather will affect them. Hoping for no mid-winter bud-break !! I'll hold off ANY pruning until March.
OK, I gotcha Aero. Give me a shout, we should get together.

Again, don't panic, given a slow cool down we may be fine. Take a look at the buds, has anything opened at all? Mine haven't. The more they have opened the more they are susceptible to damage. The faster the cool down after a warm up, the susceptible to damage. The 10 day forecast in the NE looks good, a slow cool down. It won't hurt to wait on pruning if possible, starting with older more mature trees. I've gotten a few done, I've got to much to do than to wait til spring. A buddy of mine that has Jamaicans hired on a work visa has them prune every November December after his U-pic is closed. He doesn't have problems w/ winter kill to much, so he says. He's got mostly all mature trees. Sure was strange going out in one of the orchards Thursday in a T shirt!
So I would be ok to go and prune my giant old wild trees? I think they have quite a bit of deadwood, but I'm not a trained eye. Or should I hold off until February?

These will most likely take the most time, so I'm more worried about them. My other trees were just grafted over last year, so I pretty much am just selecting which leader I'm going to take.
You can always prune out dead wood.
You can always prune out dead wood.

Got it. So I should wait to prune (live stuff) my wild trees? Even if they are full size?
It never hurts to wait until after the worst of the cold is over, even on big trees. If you have tons of trees and you need to budget your time, start big and go to small. Smaller trees would be the most susceptible to damage from cold. If you can get your trees done in a weekend and you can wait...wait. Some have 100-1000's of trees to do and need to get started earlier.

If your trees are trained well, and pruned somewhat regularly it's much easier. Wild trees are tough. Each tree is vastly different from the next and what each one needs is hard to say. Once they are in decent shape after several years of care it's easier. Mostly I'm taking out suckers and making sure vines are not growing up on them the first couple years. Later on I'll thin them somewhat. They are never going to be a perfect central leader tree, so don't drive yourself crazy trying to make it one. Just a little pruning on them each year. Many people over prune wild trees and they will just sucker like crazy.
It never hurts to wait until after the worst of the cold is over, even on big trees. If you have tons of trees and you need to budget your time, start big and go to small. Smaller trees would be the most susceptible to damage from cold. If you can get your trees done in a weekend and you can wait...wait. Some have 100-1000's of trees to do and need to get started earlier.

If your trees are trained well, and pruned somewhat regularly it's much easier. Wild trees are tough. Each tree is vastly different from the next and what each one needs is hard to say. Once they are in decent shape after several years of care it's easier. Mostly I'm taking out suckers and making sure vines are not growing up on them the first couple years. Later on I'll thin them somewhat. They are never going to be a perfect central leader tree, so don't drive yourself crazy trying to make it one. Just a little pruning on them each year. Many people over prune wild trees and they will just sucker like crazy.

I'll just do dead wood, and then wait till February!