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This small buck has a noticeable under bite. I have never seen this before on a deer.
How common is it?
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Someone else pointed that out on a similar discussion on the old forum. I'd say you are should be called an overbite.Thats cool... wouldnt that be an "overbite"???
I have a doe on my place with an underbite where tha bottom jaw is longer than the top. Maybe I am backwards here??
This would be my guess to your pictures.
The two paragraphs below the second buck picture sums it up well.
Here is my under-bite doe. Makes them easy to recognize!
Gordon Whittington's "take-home message" was this quote from Hoy -- "Farmers who care about today’s children and all future generations of animals and people would be wise to immediately switch to farming organically."
I think that sentence alone renders the article useless. I cancelled my subscription to the magazine based on that article.