Trump Assassination attempt #1 and #2


5 year old buck +
Dems know they can’t even steel votes to “win” this time.

Bowsandbucks buddies at work
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Shooters dead so very high likelihood of FBI/Biden involvement can’t have a Patsy that might sing when attempting political assassinations
A sad day, GO DONALD and prayers for everyone who's innocent.
Now THEY can get rid of Joe like they want, in similar fashion. Then blame it on "far right revenge".

Tinfoil hat, sure. But the tinfoil hat team has about a 700 batting average the last few years sadly.
So now we finally get to ban "sniper rifles".
It’ll take a little while for the dust to settle to figure out all the holes in this situation. But for now, let’s enjoy the trolling. Been slow to start but it’s beginning.






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Biden and Dem Politicians, Libs, Progressives and the media own this assassination attempt. This should come as no surprise as the left has fostered anger, hate, & violence to create this moment.

Prayers to President Trump, his family, and the others who were injured and killed.
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