Tree borer problem


5 year old buck +
I've been having a tree borer problem with my mulberry trees the past few years (only have 3). This past spring they hit a few of my chestnut trees. I have no idea what is doing this. On the trunk of the tree, I see little sawdust tunnels. Anyone have an idea what is doing this and how I can stop it? This only started out with the mulberry trees, so I was thinking it might be attracted to just those. Unfortunately, that's not the case.
Need to ID what they are. Some of them can be treated with thse systemic insecticide, some you can't. 2 big ones are the emerald ash borer and the asian longhorn beetle. Call your local AG extension, they know whats in the area likely. Ash borers hit other trees than ash.

thought the bonide annual tree n shrub was imidaclopid. Might of speeled that wrong. Mulberry's has extended fruit production. That chemical kills bees. Not sure if bees are interested in mulberry. Haven't recalled seeing bees on mine at home.

Keep that mulberry going. One of my favorite trees. See every critter in town under them in august.

I'm actually planting them up at camp for early season small game hunting. Sure the snowshoe hares and grouse would love it up there. Probably can find the few and far betwen grey squirrels living up there too.