Transplanting Trees Mid-summer?

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
I have always planted in the spring, but have an opportunity for some apple trees. These are potted trees that are ~3'-4' in 12" pots.

Can these be transplanted to my property this time of year while they have not gone dormant yet?

If so, what should I consider doing to transplant them?
Potted is way more forgiving than bare root and can be done this time of year, just keep plenty of water to them rest of season. Holding until fall would be best if you have space&time for it.
I moved 8 in June...they haven't missed a beat. I should add, these went from 1 area on the farm to another and i dug the entire rootball out and set in the new location.
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I would personally keep them at home and potted until fall (where it's easy to water daily). Gather all your cage materials and dig your holes now, plant them once they go dormant, water a couple of times during the winter and call it good.

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I have always planted in the spring, but have an opportunity for some apple trees. These are potted trees that are ~3'-4' in 12" pots.

Can these be transplanted to my property this time of year while they have not gone dormant yet?

If so, what should I consider doing to transplant them?

I know rootmaker trees that have filled an RB2 can be transplanted in the dead of summer and do well provided sufficient supplemental water is provided. This is because the rootball is completely undisturbed. They have minimal transplant shock and continue to grow almost immediately. With typical smooth sided containers, the issue becomes circling tap roots and such. These often need to be pruned by hand to make sure they don't constrict in a few years when the tree is older. You have to disturb the root ball to check to see how bad they are and if they need pruned by hand. This disturbance causes a lot more transplant shock. I think the chances of success are much lower in this scenario.


Thanks guys. I always plan on supplemental watering for 1st year fruit tree planting. I like the idea of putting them in pots and planting this fall.