They are out there.......scarey stuff.


5 year old buck +

I think a blonde.........thing !!
This is a perfect example of why "you can't fix stupid."
You have to watch and listen to the woman talking.
Remember, this person has a driver's license, votes
and is out there on the road somewhere.....Beware!
Sound on.
Is this the Fargo lady? If so, she has a follow-up interview/call-in and she was extremely embarrassed after her simplemindedness was pointed out to her by her own family and friends. Just kinda makes you shake your head.
You see it all the time where people simply refuse to think! Yet our society protects these folks - where natural selection would have done otherwise!
WOW !!!! :eek: Comforting thought that she's behind the wheel of a vehicle, huh ??????
The solution to the states with low deer population is simple. Put deer crossing signs by your stands and food plots!
That was the one I tried to take home from the bar at 1am every time!

I first heard this a few years ago. I think, no I know we have a few machine operators at work that would fit right in with her. It's really scary because they drive to work & operate machines that can hurt/kill them. There are some operators that I will not allow my mechanics to go work on the machine unless they have backup.
You see it all the time where people simply refuse to think! Yet our society protects these folks - where natural selection would have done otherwise!

I have said it often. We are the only species where natural selection does not apply. We even take a step further and reward the most lazy and stupid with government handouts which promotes the creation of more lazy and stupid.