Testing video posting - please ignore my stupidity


trying to post a video from photobucket of a doe and fawn at my mineral block.
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid521.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fw338%2Fj-bird74%2FSTC_0111_zps8huln6bv.mp4&title=">

well #$%^! that didn't work.
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lets try this!

sort of but not quite! I like how it shows the image but still can't figure out how to limit the access in my "bucket"!
Ok - I give up...... Anyone out there know enough about photobucket to help me out? I can get the video to post, but I am not comfortable with what appears to be allowing full access to my account when I do this. I don't have much there to worry about, but I really only want to post just the video and so far I have not found a way to do so.
Ok - I give up...... Anyone out there know enough about photobucket to help me out? I can get the video to post, but I am not comfortable with what appears to be allowing full access to my account when I do this. I don't have much there to worry about, but I really only want to post just the video and so far I have not found a way to do so.

Set up your folders so they are "Private". Create a new folder for any pics and videos you are willing to share. To set a folder to private, click on the folder to open it. In the header the name of the folder will appear. Next to it is a "lock". Click on the lock and you can set it to Private or Requires a Password. Either of these will prevent anyone from looking through your entire Library.
I'm a youtube guy. It's 30 seconds to set up an account, and about 3 clicks and your videos are uploaded and you have a link you can plop in here for all to see.

^^^^Me too. Create a youtube account just for videos to post here. Then you can embed them just like this and all we have to do is click play. Here are two vids that are a reason why I like the vid option. Watch the coyote reaction to a HC600 flash "blackflash/no glow" in the first vid and listen to the buck in the second vid. The gear icon gives you the option to change the 480/720/1080 options to what the video was recorded at.

That's an education! Wow.
Ok - now photobucket isn't working properly -I'll try the youtube thing. I'm really getting frustrated with technology at the moment.
I use both photo bucket & YouTube. Each has their advantages but there's no way I'dbe able to explain how to do it here. Good luck.
Well between my personal technical limitations and my crap internet speed - I'm saying screw it! I'm simply getting more and more frustrated. You guys are just going to have to live with pics in my posts. I thought I had the photobucket thing figured out, but it too is now acting up.

If technology is so great - why doesn't it work?
Well between my personal technical limitations and my crap internet speed - I'm saying screw it! I'm simply getting more and more frustrated. You guys are just going to have to live with pics in my posts. I thought I had the photobucket thing figured out, but it too is now acting up.

If technology is so great - why doesn't it work?

It's the user :D
Well between my personal technical limitations and my crap internet speed - I'm saying screw it! I'm simply getting more and more frustrated. You guys are just going to have to live with pics in my posts. I thought I had the photobucket thing figured out, but it too is now acting up.

If technology is so great - why doesn't it work?

Did you try youtube? I have problems with uploading to youtube with IE. Mozilla firefox works excellent for me and youtube.
I think it is mostly my crappy Internet to be honest. It very well could be my lack of skill as well!
Doe like the mineral
See it wasn't that bad was it. Glad you got it to work.