Stump Bucket for Tractor

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
Looking to add a stump bucket for my Kubota MX5800. Looking for quality and durable construction.

What are you using and what is a good brand?
You’ll be disappointed with a stump bucket on a tractor. You’d be better off cutting stumps flush with grade. Depending on the tree, you’ll be very limited on what trees you can uproot and it will be stressful on your tractor. But if you still want one, the Jenkins iron & steel is a great choice. I had one on a JD 323E. Sold it and went with the CL Fab Dominator. I won’t ever sell that.
Yeah, as I started to dive deeper into reviews and discussions on a tractor FEL mounted stump bucket, lots of concerns with stress on the FEL arms and pushing back against the FEL when digging and then levering the root to snap. Unnatural torqueing of the FEL not a good thing.
Stump work is work for rental machines. That is hard on equipment. A guy can get stumps out with four wheelers and lawn mowers if you try hard enough, but at what cost to your wear parts? If a guy wrecks a piece of equipment in even half the life, the cost of that machine has doubled.

I’m in the equipment business, and we see machines destroyed in 10-15% of their expected lifespan because they were doing very abusive things to components that aren’t meant to do that kind of work.

We do all kinds of operator trainings to teach customers how to not destroy their equipment, or burn up engine hours on non-productive run time.

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Stump work is work for rental machines. That is hard on equipment. A guy can get stumps out with four wheelers and lawn mowers if you try hard enough, but at what cost to your wear parts? If a guy wrecks a piece of equipment in even half the life, the cost of that machine has doubled.

I’m in the equipment business, and we see machines destroyed in 10-15% of their expected lifespan because they were doing very abusive things to components that aren’t meant to do that kind of work.

We do all kinds of operator trainings to teach customers how to not destroy their equipment, or burn up engine hours on non-productive run time.

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I agree with you, rental equipment gets abused. People hope damage/issues won't show up until after they return & next guy is using.

There is one area I am looking to clear a lot of low evergreen shrubs probably 2'3' high. Roots are not as big as on the trees. Area is about 125'-75'. Going in and scooping their shallow toot system could really make this task easy.

Depends allot on the soil. If you have light, sandy ground and shallow roots, you may do well with a shrub bucket. Maybe you can rent one or borrow one for a few days? I sometimes have wished for a stump bucket but have always gotten along without. Though.......if your trying to transplant rather than just clean may not be satisfied with the results.
I agree with you, rental equipment gets abused. People hope damage/issues won't show up until after they return & next guy is using.

There is one area I am looking to clear a lot of low evergreen shrubs probably 2'3' high. Roots are not as big as on the trees. Area is about 125'-75'. Going in and scooping their shallow toot system could really make this task easy.

I could drop the blade on my excavator and rip all of those up I bet. And what I couldn’t, I could pop out with a scoop of the bucket. Way cheaper to rent a mini ex.
Excavator is hard to beat for tough digging.
I have a backhoe attachment for my Kubota tractor. It will do great, it is just stationary and I would need to move as I work on removing them.

Soil is loamy and they seem to be somewhat shallow rooted. I just thought a stump bucket would allow me to work a bit faster in clearing them.
2’ to 3’ tall? Just brush hog it or get a one to two bottom plow and plow it.
Consider getting s hydraulic thumb?
2’ to 3’ tall? Just brush hog it or get a one to two bottom plow and plow it.
X2 on this
Though excavator work is probably more fun
I bought a stump bucket along with my Bobcat CT2035 last year.
I can’t imagine not having it. It was great for a lot of tasks. I put in 2 x 140 gallon tanks in a snap using it to dig.
Dug a lot of rocks and stumps out with it too. So far so good on wear but I’ll keep in mind some of the thoughts when digging next year.
Titan Economy Stump Bucket
Thinking about a stump bucket for digging holes for tree planting. I have a tractor with a front-end loader. Anyone have any experience with using this kind of bucket for digging holes? I would probably have to do some finish digging by hand but the bucket would take care of the worst of the digging.
Titan Economy Stump Bucket
Thinking about a stump bucket for digging holes for tree planting. I have a tractor with a front-end loader. Anyone have any experience with using this kind of bucket for digging holes? I would probably have to do some finish digging by hand but the bucket would take care of the worst of the digging.
Why wouldn't you use an auger?
Why wouldn't you use an auger?
I don't want to mess with hooking up a 3-pt tractor auger every time I want to plant a few trees. I can quick attach with a bucket. Also easier to store the bucket outside. I think the stump bucket is cheaper than a 3-pt auger. The stump bucket is more versatile for my needs.

I ended up watching a bunch of Youtube videos on the stump bucket and I think it will work fine. So I ordered one from Amazon and it should arrive in a few days.
Digging stumps makes an unholy mess. I would use a 3PH stump grinder to get them 6" below grade. Buy the grinder for $3500, grind all your stumps and it has paid for itself. Heck, you could do that and sell it for close to what you paid for it.