Strange things kids bring home!


Well most kids claim the puppy followed them home or they pick up a stray kitten, or they bring home a bucket with a snake, frogs, crawfish or the like home from a pond or creek somewhere.

Not my kids! My son works at a sawmill while he is in college and he found these 2 critters in the corner. They gave the mother 2 days to come and get them and they where still there with no sign of the mother and they where in pretty bad shape when he brought them home over the weekend. I was surprised they actually survived the weekend to be honest.

Well they appear to be on a path to recovery and hopefully one day going back to the wild......IF I can get my wife and kids to give them up. They are pretty cute......for now! I keep trying to drive the point home that they are members of the rodent family and will chew the crap out of everything and will need lots of room for exercise. My sister-in-law works at a vet clinic and they know a wildlife rehab person that we will be talking to shortly. For now I guess we are their adopted family. The male )Johnny) just opened his eyes in the past 2 days and the female (June) has not yet - so we think they are roughly 5 to 6 weeks old. Yep - they named them and I know what that means.......I am 99.99% screwed!

Johnny and June.jpg
2 Rodents + 1 gunnysack + 1 big rock + 1 Lake= problem solved!
I would say they live outside once they are able, or this:

I'd say more like 110%.
My son went out hunting for chippies with his bow and came home with a Mole. Never would of thought that! Kid is really learning how to hunt.

2 Rodents + 1 gunnysack + 1 big rock + 1 Lake= problem solved!
MO - you being sensitive again??? All heart right there! I will at least give them their
I'd say more like 110%.
More than likely - but I found 3 local wildlife rehab folks within a short drive so it shouldn't be for a lack of some place to take them. I texted my wife the info so she has it as well. They are cute.....for now. Before long they will chew everything in sight and then some.
I am quite sure they would love to take up residence in your attic...and destroy the insulation and wiring along the way!:eek:
I am quite sure they would love to take up residence in your attic...and destroy the insulation and wiring along the way!:eek:
Those are the sorts of things I am most concerned about. They are not a dog or cat - they are a rodent. A little cuter than most rodents but still essentially a rat! We have a hard enough time getting someone to care for the dogs when we go on vacation - imagine trying to find someone to put up with a biting and scratching machine! I figure it's a matter of time before the one dog simply reacts and kills one as it is. The coon/beagle mutt we have is gimped up but a hunter - plain and simple. He attacks things that simply run all the time. As soon as one of these squirrels jumps or gets a little too quick too close.......chomp! It's just an instinct and I get that......the wife and girls.......not so much.
Yup, can't fault the pooch in that instance. Our beagle hates squirrels.
My son went out hunting for chippies with his bow and came home with a Mole. Never would of thought that! Kid is really learning how to hunt.

That's a heck of a shot!
Tree rats belong in one of two places, a dirt hole, or a frying pan. I'll make an exception for the crock pot. :D
Yup, can't fault the pooch in that instance. Our beagle hates squirrels.
i'm pretty sure all beagles hate i had a chocolate lab growing up that hated squirrels and chased everyone she saw...she even caught and killed a few.
I think I am making some head-way in getting them to a rehab center. We had a small "meeting" last night at home and discussed what was best for the squirrels was not always what we wanted. I will admit they are still really cute, but I see them becoming quite a handful pretty soon and at that point I fear they will be too acclimated to people to be released. The wife in particular is starting to see the resources it would require to keep them and I don't think she is ready for that.......which is a good thing.
Johnny 2.jpg
Get them to the rehab person before the kids get too attached !!
Huh, I wrote a big long reply to this yesterday, but it isn't here??? Must have done something wrong.

Short reply this time:

I rehabbed 3 or 4 a few years ago. Cute little buggers.

In a couple of weeks, they will turn in to wild animals (read: nasty little buggers)

I released them at my cabin in the cage I raised them in (with the door open), thinking they could still eat and drink if they needed to.

They hung around most of the summer, but I never got within 20 feet of them once they were out of the cage.

No regrets, but they did NOT turn into pets.

I think I am making some head-way in getting them to a rehab center. We had a small "meeting" last night at home and discussed what was best for the squirrels was not always what we wanted. I will admit they are still really cute, but I see them becoming quite a handful pretty soon and at that point I fear they will be too acclimated to people to be released. The wife in particular is starting to see the resources it would require to keep them and I don't think she is ready for that.......which is a good thing.
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If they need to go to a Rehab center, I would get them off of the moonshine ASAP. Save the moon' for people.
Dang - you folks are tough on a couple of baby squirrels who were abandoned of orphaned at a young age. I am not your father or big brother, but you might want to refrain from reloading ammunition for PETA. Although my former boss said the Internet and computers would be a fad, I am fairly certain both are here to stay and none of what we say as the only true stewards of the wild and wildlife is going away once it is posted on the web. While I know virtually everyone on here would have done the same and cared for the squirrels, the "John Doe" public or young journalist looking for an anti-hunting story would not.
I would not have taken them and I like squirrels. Unless it was an endangered species, I think it is best to nature take care of it. I'd have called over the dog or cat and let them have a snack.