Standard -vs- m111


5 year old buck +
All things being equal, the time of bearing fruit of these two rootstocks, is it really 5 years?
Which standard? Seedling antonovka?
Of the clonal rootstocks, MM111 is relatively slow to produce.
Which standard? Seedling antonovka?
Of the clonal rootstocks, MM111 is relatively slow to produce.
Standard from seed??
All things being equal, I’ll defer to chickenlittle on which rootstock produces earlier.

That said, there are other factors you might want to look at if you want to bring your trees into production earlier. You can start by buying the biggest tree you can find. By that, I mean buy the largest caliper (diameter) tree you can find. Also, you can look for varieties that are “precocious” which means they tend to produce earlier than the norm. Ida Red, Florina, and Freedom are known to bear early (precocious). Norther Spy and Gravenstein are notorious taking a long time to bear fruit. Finally, almost all crab apples will bear early, sometimes too early. A lot of guys here pick all the apples off their crabs so that the energy of these young trees goes into producing tree growth, rather than growing fruit too early. What I am getting at is this… you can control how fast your orchard comes into production by looking several factors - including the rootstock you are selecting. Good luck!!
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Seedling rootstock are variable. That is partly why they fell out of favor commercially, the other issue being size control. Most of the time MM111 would be faster than "standard" seedling. B118 gives similar size as MM111 but is more precocious (fruits sooner).
Seedling rootstock are variable. That is partly why they fell out of favor commercially, the other issue being size control. Most of the time MM111 would be faster than "standard" seedling. B118 gives similar size as MM111 but is more precocious (fruits sooner).

I got the feeling that crabapple seedlings are used commercially for sale to the home orchard market in my area.

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