Spraying 5 acre field


5 year old buck +
My planting time for Brassicas is last week of July to first week of Aug. My planting date for LC Mix is first week of Sept. My planting method is no till drill. If I sprayed in late July ( entire field) and planted 1/2 brassicas, when I come back a month or so later to drill the LC Mix, I'm sure there would be some weeds germinating in the half where LC Mix is going due to the 4/5 week window. What have people done in this case? Respray again, but my concern would be the Gly drifting onto my brassica plot. I still feel like on a no wind or 2 mph wind, it will still get on the brassicas. Would the answer be to respray again or just not spray the LC Mix side until close to planting and if there is a light wind, make sure it's blowing away from the brassicas? This is obviously for next years planting since I already made entire field this year into LC Mix. Just curious about this . Input would be great.
I'd go for it and try it, my plots anymore are not pretty but they feed the deer, a few weeds aren't going to hurt.
If the weeds are broadleaf you could just mow after drilling. Mowing them this late in year pretty much finishes them off.
Most of my weeds,grasses are warm weather

Starting 2nd year of all TnM without spraying

I don't plant until first week Oct

diff strokes/diff folks/diff regions!!

I would decide based on what's growing. By time to plant the LC grains, most broadleafs are finished for the year -- just plant. If it's got heavy grass, I'd probably hit with roundup, especially if you plan on hitting it with Nitrogen. I don't think I'd worry much about drift on a 5 acre field. It would be hard to kill much unintentionally.
I'm with swat, won't get enough drift to hurt much.
Bad pic but this field was all clover. I was going for LC's mix. I sprayed the left and right side in August and T&G brasica's on the left. I left the right side for grains last week. Brasicas were a bust and weeds were taking over s I just disked it and put grains on both sides.

The clover looks bad because I mowed it to the ground. Experimenting with a last cut low to set the weeds back.

Anyway no drift damage.
Thx for replies.