soybean help

Good to know about the MDHA. Thanks for sharing that.

If the pods open the beans fall to the ground will the deer still eat them?

It is a lot harder for deer to eat them. Picking up an individual bean seed off the ground takes dexterity and is pretty inefficient. If you are far enough north that shattering is an issue, most bean varieties have a shatter resistance rating you can look at. Keep in mind that these ratings are for farmers that harvest. If you are looking for very late season shatter resistance, the testing is probably done earlier. It is still probably not a bad guide.

I'm in the same general area as FarmerDan and deer don't use my pods much unless we have a mast crop failure. Turkey do though. Things are different up north.


In the late season up here deer will walk through anything to get to a plot of standing beans. Shatter resistance is very important. There is no doubt they will eat them off the ground. However, if there is something near by that is easier for them to consume that's what they are going to eat. I'm going to give the real world brand a shot this season. I like the price of the MDHA beans but my plots are small and I need the beans in the pod and not on the ground. I am just going to assume that It would be a pain in the butt to get one bag of something that is later maturing and shatter proof from a local seed dealer when he is selling pallet load upon pallet load of a different variety. The one question I have with the real world is what blend should I get? According to their map southern Mn. is the line for the Northern/Southern blend choice. I would like to be able to over seed the plots with WR, radishes, and clover when the leaves start to yellow. If one is later maturing than the other that may not work so well. I guess I might just have to make a phone call to the people at RW seed.

Anybody have any experience with these beans in the upper midwest?
Good to know about the MDHA. Thanks for sharing that.

If the pods open the beans fall to the ground will the deer still eat them?

The deer at our farm will crawl thru broken glass to get to beans, in the pods or on the ground. I just walked a 3 acre plot of beans last weekend looking for sheds. Not a single bean left hanging on the stalk or laying on the ground. Turkeys love them too.
The beans I planted on several MN and WI properties last year were: Legend Seeds- LS 01R656 (0.1 maturity group and RR) Medium Tall, Semi-bush.
Excellent pod production and beans stayed in the pods until eaten (well into winter). I over-seed winter rye into all of my bean plots early September with great results also. This was the variety the Co-op I use carried for the region. They have a very knowledgeable Agronomy Manager and I will be planting the same variety this season. I also do my own homework and this variety performed excellent in the MN soybean trials. One five acre field I planted only required the initial burn down with Gly prior to planting, GP no till drilled beans in, and just one additional application of Gly, before the canopy took over and suppressed weeds. That soil was PH 7.0 with high organic matter.....a best case scenario. I rotate these beans back and forth in plots with turnips, radishes, and rape. The Co-op was Moose Lake Co-op in Moose Lake, MN.