Some pictures are just purdy....

I don't know how we made it without game cams all these years. Great pic NH!
Beautiful pic Native. I'm a huge 600 fan as you already know:cool:
Great pic. Thanks for sharing
Great photo. Gotta love recoynx
Great pic.
Super cool Native! The angle might be deceiving, but that looks like a good sized fawn.
Super cool Native! The angle might be deceiving, but that looks like a good sized fawn.

They have packed on the pounds this year for sure. Might be buck bait this fall.
Great pic Steve !! Love the low rays of the setting sun in that one. Poundage is from those good food plots you have there - either directly or from Mom's great milk supply. Probably both.

Your re-growing " jungle " where you had mowed earlier this summer should hold some deer in the area. Maybe give the " not ready " does a place to hide from cruisers - for a bit anyway !!
Great pic Steve !! Love the low rays of the setting sun in that one. Poundage is from those good food plots you have there - either directly or from Mom's great milk supply. Probably both.

Your re-growing " jungle " where you had mowed earlier this summer should hold some deer in the area. Maybe give the " not ready " does a place to hide from cruisers - for a bit anyway !!

Yep, and the sky colors just blew me away on that one too.
way cool!
Great Picture!! It takes a good photographer too though to set things up right! Your composition was perfect!