So yeah what I do...


5 year old buck +
So i'm training for the marketplace (online store to buy obamacare) cuz that what this red neck does. Sells Health Insurance...

Naturally the govt has no audio in this training so I have to read all this crap.....

Since we all love the equal opportunity employer that our govt is, heres their thoughts on Immigrants and their access to OUR healthcare/subsidies.....

Immigrant Families and the Marketplace
Immigrant families have important Marketplace eligibility details to consider.

In order to buy private health insurance through the Marketplace, a person must be a U.S. citizen or be lawfully present in the United States. The term “lawfully present” includes immigrants who have:

  • “Qualified non-citizen” immigration status, regardless of whether they have a waiting period
  • Humanitarian statuses or circumstances (including Temporary Protected Status, Special Juvenile Status, asylum applicants, Convention Against Torture, victims of trafficking)
  • Valid non-immigrant visas
  • Legal status conferred by other laws (temporary resident status, LIFE Act, Family Unity individuals)
Lawfully present immigrants may be eligible for advance payments of the premium tax credit and cost-sharing reductions if they meet the other eligibility criteria for these programs.

Keep in mind that individuals who are not lawfully present can apply for health coverage for their family member(s) who are lawfully present without having to provide a Social Security number (SSN) or other proof of lawful presence
The word for the day is L-O-O-P-H-O-L-E-S. Can you say "loopholes", children?
Try workin in it, they are ready at will to pin my ass to a wall but cant fix their own system...

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