SNOWMAGEDDON Down Florida Way!


5 year old buck +
Sharing for the chuckles I'm guessing this might bring to the many folks on the forum living north of the Mason-Dixon line...

So it truly did snow this morning in our area of Florida.

And the whopping trace dusting we experienced led to FULL day school cancellations and I-10 closures of darn near 100 miles or so from Tallahassee to Lake City (half-way to Jacksonville) for much of the day, despite temps reaching the mid-40s by noon and roads being pretty much completely dry. Smart enough to have avoided any last minute trip to any nearby store, but guessing not a loaf of bread or gallon of milk to be found so sadly I won't be able to enjoy a milk sandwich tonight. :emoji_wink:


I'm in Okeechobee at my place for 3 more weeks. It's below zero in Indiana, but 40 in FL feels about as bad. I'm ready for the 70s and the wind to lay so I can get back after the crappie!
:emoji_rolling_eyes:My brother in St. Pete is crying about 40 degrees and we got a nor'easter coming in tonight.

I know Bill, but you know 40 in FL doesn't feel like 40! I got a pic of a coworkers dash in his car yesterday up home, temp read -21!
Can't hit the like button on that one, Bill. Raised in the foothills of the Carolinas I got to see an inch or two of snow most years but rarely did it stick around more than a single day. Grew to like it that way. Don't see how y'all northern fellas tolerate it.
I know Bill, but you know 40 in FL doesn't feel like 40! I got a pic of a coworkers dash in his car yesterday up home, temp read -21!

I know what you mean. It must be the palm trees.
And I'll be posting pics
From Cape Coral soon. Working
on a project now. But the wife is getting antsy. :).
Going to get nice again starting about Sunday
Snow and cold doesn’t seem so bad when factor in some of the bugs and reptiles you southerners have....
Snow and cold doesn’t seem so bad when factor in some of the bugs and reptiles you southerners have....

One of my hopes for this lingering cold is that kills off a bunch southern pine bark beetles in the NE. This is the longest sustained cold snap in years. I'm actually hoping for another week or two with single digits. Send those suckers back south.
Spanish moss and snow together just look weird........................
I was in Myrtle Beach, and I was out shark fishing, the tour guide was talking about how bone chilling cold it was. It was 50 degrees, and I was wearing a hoodie. I told him I left home and it was -25. He felt the need to argue with me that 50 degrees in South Carolina was colder then -25, because it was a wet cold, and the -25 was a dry cold. I asked him if has ever been north in the winter, he told me no, I told him that he needs to come visit me in January, then we will re discuss it. Im sorry, 50 degrees feels nowhere close to -25. When it hurts to breath, and just the tinniest wind feels like someone slaps you in the face, it is no comparison to their wet cold 50 degrees. I do realize when you are use to 70-80 degrees, and then its 50, it seems cold, but there is no argument about which feels colder comparably!

Christmas break week I spent most of my time in the woods bow hunting, hunting from the ground, not in a blind. The temps averaged -10 to -20, with wind chills approaching -40, any exposed skin hurts after about 2 minutes. The couple days after that it warmed up to single digit highs, it felt like a heat wave! This morning it was -18 out. I sure hope there is some positive to this cold, like kill back the deer ticks, or something.
^^^^^That is funny my buddies from Arkansas say the same thing, that their 35 is colder than our single digit temps? Took one of them duck hunting up in Ontario in December a few years ago...he shut up about the 35 thing.

Wife and I went to southern Arizona a couple years ago in late June, we got back and everyone at home kept saying that the desert heat of 116 isn't that bad because it's a "dry" heat....I said no 116 is bad like being in a dang oven dry or not dry my tennis shoes started melting to the black top just walking across the was HOT!
My USMC service as well as dating a N.Y. gal while I was in college had me experience single digits a time or two. That's all it took for me to be fully confident I'm a southerner through and through. Don't care how wimpy it makes me sound, single digits made my BONES hurt (and I was a much younger man then).

My wife is even worse than me... she's thin as a rail and when it gets below 50 she starts complaining we should have picked a spot to live further down the FL peninsula. I just stay quiet while being optimistic and happy the deer will move a bit better. :emoji_wink::emoji_joy:
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Here ya go Bigbend :). 17 right now up from 10 this AM. Not Midwest cold but it's cold.

Wife booked tickets to Florida yesterday for later this month. Can't beat spirit airlines $50 each way. You just have be able to put up with bad seats and cancellations/delays.

I know cold is relative to where you are, and when it is. In the fall you see people with huge coats on when it is 40, in the spring, you see people in shorts and no shirts when it hits 40. It is all in what you are use too.

I love going south for a week or two every winter to tease myself. But I couldnt live there. My inlaws winter in Arizona, and during our trips down there, I encounter black widows, scorpions, rattle snakes, some huge ugly ass spiders, no thanks! I will let the wind hurt my face!
love going south for a week or two every winter to tease myself. But I couldnt live there.

I hear you. It is relative. I lived in Cape Coral FL for 11 months. Winter was great, when the locals cried about the cold I opened the windows for free AC. But by May it was HOT. When it was still in the 80's in October I knew it wasn't for me.

I was in Wisconsin one January and felt my first -25. Cold is cold but when you inhale and your nose hairs freeze it's COLD. That isn't for me either.
My USMC service as well as dating a N.Y. gal while I was in college had me experience single digits a time or two. That's all it took for me to be fully confident I'm a southerner through and through. Don't care how wimpy it makes me sound, single digits made my BONES hurt (and I was a much younger man then).

My wife is even worse than me... she's thin as a rail and when it gets below 50 she starts complaining we should have picked a spot to live further down the FL peninsula. I just stay quiet while being optimistic and happy the deer will move a bit better. :emoji_wink::emoji_joy:

did you say 50 below or below 50? ;)

You gotta clarify this for northerners.
Yes, saltwater does freeze
