slugs in a shotgun


5 year old buck +
I'm going on a camping/fishing trip and am bringing a 12 gauge with slugs in case we have bear trouble. The hope is not to need to need it. But if it do, will it hurt anything to fire slugs through it with a choke in?
I wouldn't shoot it through anything tighter than a modified but believe cylinder bore is recommended.

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like said above, just make sure you have a choke in it of improved cyl or MOD at tightest, or you could bulge a barrels
sabot slugs might be a little more forgiving on a tighter choke, but if you have screw in chokes, just get a improved cylinder one and be right with things!
also, won't hurt any to SHOOT the gun and see where they go too, as I doubt you have rifle sights on this gun??
as even a 12 ga slug can just wound and piss a bear off if you don't hit any vitals, if needed??
so better to know how gun shoots and how to aim with a bead sight on it!
Bears are something to stay aware of, and the best way to stay safe is to keep food away from your campsite. Bear arent looking for you as food, they are looking for your picinic basket for food. Keep foods closed, in coolers, and do not bring food in to your tents. Dont clean, or leave fish remains anywhere near your campsite. And dont walk quietly through the woods, let the bear hear you, before they can see you, 99% of the time they will get out of your way, and you wont ever see one.

Being prepared with a gun is not a bad thing, as long as you are safe with the gun. As MRBB said, a wounded bear may attack, rather then retreat, so my recommendation is, if it falls down to you having to shoot, if you are in a safe place, and want to chase the bear away, a warning shot in a safe direction will usually work, if it gets to a point you are in danger, vitals!
and don't forget, that MOST times a bear will give warning signs, first, from clicking its teeth to whoofing at you, and then add in MOST bear charges at first are Bluff's

the odd case where things tend to go BAD , is when you get TOO close to a bear when they didn;'t know you were THERE, all the more so with cubs involved!
best to always MAKE noise in bear area's so they hear you first and have time to move off , and most will do this without you ever knowing they were there

BEAR spray is also very handy.

bears really don't target humans, they tend to avoid us, as simply put we actually STINK to them LOL

been in bear area's all my life, and a TON of bear experience here, from handling trapping tagging and re locating, to working on dead one's with a taxidermist,
have live one's on my property about 8 months a yr almost daily for most of it !
never any issue's to date, a few warnings and likes, but never felt in danger or need to defend myself or others from one!

most dangerous bear in the world is a starving one. IMO< then all cards are off the table on what it MIGHT or might NOT due,
second most dangerous bear is a SCARED ONE< for same reasons, NO way to know what it MIGHT do, fear does funny things to all living things!
and next will me a mother, some say its over protection, I personally say its a hormone imbalance from having the young!
I have been around a TON of females with cubs, some act calm one minute nuts the ne=xt for NO reason, NO danger, or fear nothing, just go wacky from un know things,

ALL mothers will protect there young, but its that hormone imbalance that happens from giving birth and such I think that makes them unpredictable more than anything! HAHA!( I think this of many Human mothers too, no ill respect meant here either LOL)

but bears are typically safe animals to be about, just give them room and let them know your there, and most times all will be more then fine!
there just animals like the rest, just there BIG and powerful, and they also know it, thats why many folks SAY bears have poor eye sight! I fully dis agree with this
they see fine, they just don;t' care about things as much, as they don't need to fear many things, thus why scent moves them more than them seeing you does!!!
Absolutely no problem shooting a Foster style slug through a shotgun even with a full choke. The slug will deform to the ID of the barrel and it will fly even worse than slugs usually fly. But if that's all you got, no worries about about bulging a barrel.

Powder, are you traveling in black bear country, or grizzly country?