Simizine for pre emergent - plot screens


5 year old buck +
I’m planning to put in around 3-5 total acres of plot screen sometime this month. I’m looking to tank mix something with glysophate to include in the burn down that will also help act as a pre emergent to help the screen get up and running ahead of any weed seeds (plot screen will be min tilled in). Is this what I’m looking for or does anyone else have experience with something different that’s worked well? It’s northwoods plot screen blend. Thank you for any input/suggestions, as I have not used simizine before.

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Simazine is a cheap and effective product. I use it on my screens from Northwoods. I’ve never used it in a mix though. I plant then spray. Are you no tilling the seed? I think in order to work properly it needs good soil contact and then with rain it works it’s way into the soil. If there already weeds and grass there that your killing with the Gly, then the Simazine may not be very effective with the soil as it won’t get to it
Simazine is a cheap and effective product. I use it on my screens from Northwoods. I’ve never used it in a mix though. I plant then spray. Are you no tilling the seed? I think in order to work properly it needs good soil contact and then with rain it works it’s way into the soil. If there already weeds and grass there that your killing with the Gly, then the Simazine may not be very effective with the soil as it won’t get to it
The plan is to mow the existing cover very short and then min till the seed into the existing cover with a woods seeder and then spray with a mix or gly and simizine right after. The other option would be to mow, spray, and then come in min till plant a week or two later.
I have no experience doing it that way. Just my opinion that by seeding into existing cover then spraying I think just the Gly would do the trick. I. D.o.n.t think your going to gain much that way with the Simazine. The Gly will kill everything and you’re good to go. Again just my opinions
I’m with Buckly, just round up. The simazine won’t hurt but when I was planting Sudan grass all I ever needed was round up first. It will get the jump start it needs to compete.
Thanks guys. I will take the easy route then and just go with the gly alone.
I just found this now... Yes that is the Simizine we recommend for use when planting our Food Plot Screen.
I’m with Buckly, just round up. The simazine won’t hurt but when I was planting Sudan grass all I ever needed was round up first. It will get the jump start it needs to compete.

........and once it does, makes a bad ass screen

Simazine is a restricted use herbicide, isn't it?
I believe it is not.
Simizine is not restricted here

Atrazine(similar product ) is restricted and requires an applicator license to purchase

No. Somehow it replaces Atrazine which is.
It once was a rup. I wonder if "they" messed with the formulation. Simizine's chemical structure is (or was) similar to Aatrizine, but is (or was) much less persistent in the soil. Am I thinking of the right thing? Seem like we used it on corn if fall planting of wheat was in the picture. Bladex, too. Or, maybe I'm confused. Everything's glyphosate now, but maybe we should take a look back at some of the more cornerstone pre-merge herbicides?