I have about 250 feet of them in two rows along a frontage road for one of my fields. They were planted in late 90's before I found out they were considered invasive. They are ok for a screen, mine will meet the chainsaw as well eventually, probably sooner then later. They are a bit scraggly and honestly my white pine that fronted and backed them made a better screen while they were young. (both have gotten to big now and though the elm has kept some of its lower branches they too are thinning out at the lower levels.) I would not do them again, the evergreens provide 24/7/365 blocking while the elms drop their leaves and I do believe they are dutch elm susceptible. By themselves they make an incomplete screen only good during the growing season. Everything Im doing now has depth of size and screening from shrubs to larger bushes up to trees. In fact Im breaking a field this spring and Im going to try Lilacs, there will be a row of poplar cuttings and a row of pine in there as well and some other shrubs. I have the space to have that depth though. I have some miscanthus giganteus grasses that Im trying, if they work as well as others have had success with they will be apart of those screens.