Scaffold branch height


5 year old buck +
I was able to prune my apple trees for the first time this year. Does the scaffold branch height increase as the tree grows, or do they stay at the same height while the central leader grows upward? Currently, they are only at 3-4'. What is the optimal height for the first branches for deer and personal use? Thanks guys!
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The scaffold branch height remains the same. The first scaffold branch height is usually about 3-4' above ground. As it ages is gets pulled down to the ground under the weight of the fruit. As the tree ages and higher scaffolds are grown the lowest scaffold is remove. Usually the scaffold just above the lowest is hanging over--and on top of--the lowest scaffold by this time. Also, people usually want to mow under the tree so lower scaffolds are removed to enable mowing. For deer apple trees, the deer will browse all limbs up to about 5-6 feet, probably killing all branches 5' and lower. You should prune the lower branches off to the first scaffold is about 5' high. Let the tree put its energy into growing upper branches rather than low branches that will get killed due to browsing. I always fenced my deer apple trees in until their lowest branches were at 5' high, removing the lower branches as the tree grew. Don't prune off the central leader. Let the tree grow fast upward.
The good Professor nailed it. I prune everything below 5 feet. I can make smaller cages since I use 5 foot high fencing and the the first scaffold will be just above the cage. As Prof. Kent said the deer just destroy everything within their reach anyway.
Mine are about that 5 foot mark as well, some are lower, but I understand that is a risk. Just promote vertical growth while the tree is young and try to keep it in good form. Only once I start considering removing the outer most cage do I worry about the height of the lowest branches. I plant semi-dwarf trees as well, so the rootstock of your trees may influence this as well as true dwarf trees may not tolerate it as well, since they don't get as big.