
R.E. Gould

5 year old buck +
Filling out my order of Road Kill and Turning Point at Blue Hill to get to the 4 tree minimum, I saw they had a new cultivar, RubyRush, a cross between Enterprise and Goldrush with strong Cedar Apple Rust resistance. Looks interesting. I assume no one has a fruiting tree yet, but please share impressions if you do. Below are some profiles of it.

I hadn't heard of it but looks like a nice apple. Great to see Rutgers is still releasing apples after the PRI Co-op ended. Looks like a fine option.
Filling out my order of Road Kill and Turning Point at Blue Hill to get to the 4 tree minimum, I saw they had a new cultivar, RubyRush, a cross between Enterprise and Goldrush with strong Cedar Apple Rust resistance. Looks interesting. I assume no one has a fruiting tree yet, but please share impressions if you do. Below are some profiles of it.

The description I saw said it was grown in 6b. Unless I missed it somewhere else, beware of planting up North.
Filling out my order of Road Kill and Turning Point at Blue Hill to get to the 4 tree minimum, I saw they had a new cultivar, RubyRush, a cross between Enterprise and Goldrush with strong Cedar Apple Rust resistance. Looks interesting. I assume no one has a fruiting tree yet, but please share impressions if you do. Below are some profiles of it.
Interesting read on RubyRush apple tree. Gonna keep an eye out for it. Some of the field test data says "Aspers, Pa." that's where ACN (Adams County Nursery) is located. ACN is a testing / proving ground nursery for many fruit types.
Interesting read on RubyRush apple tree. Gonna keep an eye out for it. Some of the field test data says "Aspers, Pa." that's where ACN (Adams County Nursery) is located. ACN is a testing / proving ground nursery for many fruit types.
you guys are really trying to get me in trouble by suggesting all these nice trees...i'm already onto getting trees for NEXT Christmas...
Went ahead and ordered one 2 year old RubyRush..just had to alter my orchard plans slightly...what's another couple bucks among friends? (PS don't tell my wife I bought another tree..)
Also this will bring my orchard plot up to exactly 30 fruit trees..that's way better than 29 right?
Had another great interaction (over email) with Ryan today. Great guy and wonderful trees.
Blue Hill and Whitetail Crabs are the go-to place for me for whitetail apples and crabs.
“only” ended up ordering 2 more trees (in addition to the 6 I already had on order)..a Rubyrush and an Ed’s crazy crab..if nothing else in a couple years I’m gonna have lots of blossoms to pollinate each other…
Went ahead and ordered one 2 year old RubyRush..just had to alter my orchard plans slightly...what's another couple bucks among friends? (PS don't tell my wife I bought another tree..)
Also this will bring my orchard plot up to exactly 30 fruit trees..that's way better than 29 right?
That's how I started ........ only 5 or 6 trees ought to do it. We're up to about 85 trees now ..............
“only” ended up ordering 2 more trees (in addition to the 6 I already had on order)..a Rubyrush and an Ed’s crazy crab..if nothing else in a couple years I’m gonna have lots of blossoms to pollinate each other…
Symptoms are all there, Derek. You're SICK with this tree-planting disease! Ask me how I know ..........
That's how I started ........ only 5 or 6 trees ought to do it. We're up to about 85 trees now ..............
Well that will bring me to 31 above the house and there’s a dozen and a half below the house..well on my way to catching ya!
Are those all fruit trees??
Are those all fruit trees??
Yep crabs apples and pears above the house in the plot and more pears apples crabs and plums below the house. A few were there when we moved in but most I’ve put in since spring 2021.