When I saw this today, I knew what it was because I've seen it before. Tree looked green but just laying over on its side. I've had it happen to oaks too.
Also found a Norway Spruce that had been done the same way - first one of those I had seen.
That's for sure. It's hard to apply protection below the ground. The good news is that I now have about 25 or more chestnuts that are large and have been producing for a few years. Hopefully those are home free. It's interesting that I've never had a pear or apple gnawed below ground level, but have heard of other folks that have had it happen.
"Somebody told me last fall to put moth balls in the cages with tiny nut trees so the field mice/voles wouldn't eat them. I am happy to report that when I went to check on one and replace its stinky little guardians, it is hale and hearty, completely unnibbled."