River otters

Hopefully you don't have a fishing pond around.....they will decimate a pond in short order. They will take fish much larger than you think as well. My father had some move in and they took out his 18"+ channel cats.

Cute? Yes. Something you want if your a fisherman? NO!
That trail camera is close to a small pond, which has hybrid blue gill. I don't fish those ponds so I guess it's not a big deal.
Two different times I have been within 10 feet of them while turkey hunting.

The first time, I set down on a gravel bar in full camo on a steam bank, and one came out of the water next to me. I stayed motionless and he didn't detect my presence. The otter had caught a sunfish and set there on its butt and ate it like a a candy bar - holding it in both paws. This was a huge otter. The mate came swimming by and they both left.

The second time was at the same spot a couple of years later. Three of four about half grown came swimming by but never came out on the bank.

It was an interesting experience seeing them. This was on the creek bluff property that I now own.
Hopefully you don't have a fishing pond around.....they will decimate a pond in short order. They will take fish much larger than you think as well. My father had some move in and they took out his 18"+ channel cats.

Cute? Yes. Something you want if your a fisherman? NO!

The Indiana DNR reintroduced these animals several years ago. The place we live has a small pond that had been fished out by kids and neighbors. We restocked with bass and blue gill. Was doing great until the river otters cleared it out. Saw them there a few times. Fish kill remains on the back. Hate river otters.
I don't see otters often enough here, I'd love to see them more often. I am always impressed with their grace, smarts, and social interactions. I know they eat fish, but deer and bears are always trying to damage my apples trees, but I enjoy seeing them too. I think it's great you got them on cam Bszweda.
What’s the pearl necklace looking thing on that tree?

Tree Spider safety line
Otters, beavers, coons (deer to some) and the like tend to be wildlife species that people "like" in general....but once they cause an "issue" for the individual....the they are not so "cute". I agree that they have their place, but like anything else....when they conflict with people...things get touchy. I know many farmers who would just as soon see every deer and coon dead because of the impact they have on their crop yields. Otters are "cute".....as long as they stay out of YOUR pond!
Beavers? Absolutely not.

Neat pic of the otters though.