Plot saver fence question


5 year old buck +
As an experiment I am going to try the plot saver fence system. The kit comes with the tape and the scent, but no stakes. If I am fencing off a one acre plot how many stakes do I need?
I put them about every 20 yards.
No clue why, it's just what I did.
It's been working but might be overkill.

Maybe someone has a formula.

I used staked T posts on the corners to be able to pull things tight.
Good point on the corners, thanks Bill!
I believe we used t type posts, as well, on the corners. We were pleased with how the 'fence" worked all in all.
As an experiment I am going to try the plot saver fence system. The kit comes with the tape and the scent, but no stakes. If I am fencing off a one acre plot how many stakes do I need?

If you have significant browse pressure without a lot of alternative high quality foods, I'd suggest using the plastic step in fence posts. If you buy metal posts and plotsaver does not yield the desired results (didn't for me), you can reuse the posts when you upgrade to a Gallagher-style e-fence.

