Plot boost or similar


5 year old buck +
With the drought in Se MN and SW WI, I'm trying anything to help my brassicas be successful. In MN I'm experiencing insect predation on the plants and in WI the brassicas are still babies that the deer are relentlessly browsing. Anyways, I've decided to give Plot Boost by Deergro a try after getting a recommendation from a co-worker. Wondering if anyone has had success with this product or something similar.
Hard to read the label but it looks like a 1-0-0 fertilizer? 1% nitrogen with trace boron, magnesium, & zinc. I don't have any experience with this product but a very low amount of elements at $25 for 32 oz. Works out to $0.78/oz. I am always leery of the BOB guys additives as they tend to be very pricey.

I went with this ...

It is 20-0-0 nitrogen and is $0.14/oz. I mixed 2.5 gal per 25 gal of water. I can cover a little over an acre with 25 gal. Looks the same as the Plot Boost but a lot more nitrogen. May be a better bag for your buck.
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