

5 year old buck +
Has anyone tried planting improved variety of plantain.. Thanks
I thought about it many times for our sandbox, as it grew naturally in that soil(albeit sparsely), but I never saw browsing on it, so we never went that route.
I've got a lot of water plantain growing this year.....only variety I have had, ducks&geese like it.
I planted it this spring. Got it from maxi-rack and the deer are hammering it right now along with my chicory.
I thought about it many times for our sandbox, as it grew naturally in that soil(albeit sparsely), but I never saw browsing on it, so we never went that route.
I think the improved variety's probably from New Zealand, tonic is the one I read about may be preferred.. I don't notice any utilization of native plantain by my house.
I'm guessing the main reason for not noticing browsing on plantain in most cases(at least for me) is that the stuff that commonly grows wild is broadleaf, or common plantain, the improved types are all lanceleaf plantain as far as I have found.
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I had to look through some old notes, Ranger Plantain is another improved variety that we looked into trying.