Packer Maxx Crimper Combo worth it?


5 year old buck +
Hey guys,

I am getting a tractor for food plots and will be trying no till with using buckwheat. Do you think this pack maxx combo is worth it? or should would the regular packer maxx be all that is needed.

Also will be getting this Sprayer

I'd wait for some real world feed back before jumping on the crimper. Only video I've seen was a prototype knocking down corn stalks, not exactly it's intended purpose. Can always add crimper after the fact, not much of a savings buying them together.
I can't imagine buckwheat requiring much to knock it down. A crimper seems like over kill and you could use the money elsewhere.

How big is the tractor?
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Its only 28 HP ... I am leaning towards buying the cutlipacker only and then seeing if a crimper is necessary. If I put sand in the cultipacker I shouldn't need to winterize it right?
Its only 28 HP ... I am leaning towards buying the cutlipacker only and then seeing if a crimper is necessary. If I put sand in the cultipacker I shouldn't need to winterize it right?

Assuming your tractor is ~50"-60" wide, I would go with a 5'-6' cultipacker that flips over and has wheels. Lot easier to transport and you aren't bouncing the cultipacker plates on hard surfaces. Plastic filled plates would worry me from a durability stand point.

If you want to stay with 48", maybe consider this ... was the first one I bought. This one also has a tray for cement blocks for added weight.
Hey guys,

I am getting a tractor for food plots and will be trying no till with using buckwheat. Do you think this pack maxx combo is worth it? or should would the regular packer maxx be all that is needed.

Also will be getting this Sprayer


Personally, I'd just get a regular cultipacker. It took me a few years of looking on craigslist in my area but I found 2 for half the price. They are quite old but work very well. In some areas old cultipackers are much easier to find. As for the sprayer, I have a fimco 55 gal sprayer. It looks like the one on your link has a pump. I use a PTO pump with mine. It did not take too long bouncing up and down before I had issues with the frame on mine. Cheap sheet metal for the most part. After welding some angle iron to it, it is very solid and works well. I eventually bent and broke the booms so I ended up welding angle iron to them as well. This was not the sprayers fault, I had an issue backing off a trailer that bent the booms. I would guess the one you have linked would function find, but don't expect anything heavy duty.

In both cases, make sure the implements are sized to fit your tractor. You need enough list capacity for the volume of water in the sprayer. I like a cultipacker that is between 8' and 9'. When you get to 10' you can have transport issues. It depends on your situation, and larger may not be a problem for you. I have some significant acreage. A smaller cultipacker would take me much longer.



did you buy the maxx cultipacker? I go way into the woods on some nasty trails. thinking of using this to get back there. Then filling it up with water when Im there.

did you buy the maxx cultipacker? I go way into the woods on some nasty trails. thinking of using this to get back there. Then filling it up with water when Im there.
Yes I bought the cultipacker without the crimper, but didn’t get to use it last year due to how long it took to receive it. So I can’t say how well a job it does.
Any update on the usage results
I have the maxx without the crimper and have no problems. Works great. When Taking it down long trails it has wheels for transport.
i just fill with water and then empty around labor day after the last fall plot goes in the ground.
easy to assemble too.
I was able to purchase a custom 4 foot crimper that I'm itching to try next year. Price was fair. If any one in nw lower Michigan is interested please let me know.