


One of my customers is good friends with Tim wells and Jared Allen of the Show "Relentless Pursuit" Seems like Tim Wells Speared himself some how. Have not heard the details, but it must have been something. It was in Africa.

If anyone finds anything online about it, post away!
A video was on facebook. Not for the weak. He was up in a tree and dropped his camera. Started crawling down tree to get his camera and didn't secure his spear up in tree. He got down to bottom of tree and spear came loose from above and speared him in the leg. The video didn't show the actual accident but showed him right after including the wound.
Am I correct in saying the spear went all the way thru the leg? I haven't seen the video but read another thread on it.
Holy Balls that had to hurt!:eek:

Lucky to be alive!
Holy Balls that had to hurt!:eek:

Lucky to be alive!

Predators, Infection, Arteries........he's very luck that he made it. Someone upstairs was looking out.
Surprised that guy has lived this long as it stands. Some of the stuff he has done wouldnt ever cross my mind to want to attempt.
By himself, Self filming, and he thinks to record himself...hoping he wont pass out and die. WOW.
Damn! He was basically documenting his own death.

I'm glad Cecil wasn't near;) (Sorry if that was in bad taste).
Damn! He was basically documenting his own death.

I'm glad Cecil wasn't near;) (Sorry if that was in bad taste).

Humor is never in bad taste!