One to watch

That one should be looking even better by now, hopefully he shows up some more!
Was he staring at the camera in the other pics?
no. only pic out of about 10 he looked at the cam.

but I know what you are getting at......
no. only pic out of about 10 he looked at the cam.

but I know what you are getting at......

Roger that. Be nice to see what he grows into-
Very nice.
Nice buck
You never mentioned him the other night when we solved the world's problems at Hawks

You sly dog
I had looked at pics on the viewer on a camera and saw I had something, but it wasnt enough detail to know for sure what it was. When I got it on the computer.... He was nice.
Nice very nice.
Great looking buck!
You got a dandy there for sure.
IS that the big one from last year or did someone kill him with a car or something?? Maybe its the same one??
The one from last year, his sheds were found 1 mile due north of us in May. A farmer hit one when tilling and broke off a brow tine and part of the G3 I think it was. Then he found the other one not far away.
So he made it until April/May for sure.

I wondered the same thing when I first saw it, but its so hard to tell with no real characteristics showing yet.

To your point on the buck locked on the camera..... I did take that cam out last week and put a black flash in that spot.

That cam is on the far NE corner of our property where its the furthest from any activity that we have going on the property. Its in the middle of a pine plantation we did in the late 80's.

It sucks, but I dont plan to check that camera probably until Labor Day. Its killing me to think about waiting that long. :)