Old Mystery Pear Tree

Native Hunter

5 year old buck +
A friend of mine who lives approximately 70 miles north of me took me to this old pear tree that is on land he just recently bought. He is 49 and remembers this pear from when he was a child. At that time the land belonged to a relative, but now belongs to him. He said the tree looks almost identical today to how it looked 35+ years ago.

He recalls the tree being loaded with good tasting pears when he was a child. When we were there last week, I noticed that it had a nice fruit set this year. The little pears are already almost half the size of dimes. Right now it has cattle running around it, but those come out in the next few months.

He has no idea if it was planted or came up from a seed. It is in a very remote place and has some other trees around it that are pretty big. We plan on watching it this year and trying to get some scion wood from it next spring. I have a feeling that it is a seedling pear that just happened to be a good one. It could have been planted, but I find it hard to believe that it was planted so far from where any houses were.

I will try to remember to give an update on this in the future.

How'd I miss this? NH, you get any pears from it last year?

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How'd I miss this? NH, you get any pears from it last year?

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Merle, I didn't see my friend with the tree until really late in the year. The first thing I asked him was about the pear. He said he got busy with his business and never got back up there the whole year, so he never saw any of the fruit. I haven't got any scion wood yet, and it will soon be too late to get it this year. If all goes as planned, I will be back up there in February of 2020, and hopefully get some wood then.

I wish I could get him to watch the tree closer, but he started a restaurant business and never has any extra time for anything.