Oak trees


5 year old buck +
I have several oak trees that are in their 2nd year. But I messed up and I'm not sure which ones r which. I have 3 or 4 different oaks I grew from acorns. At what point can someone look at a leaf and tell which type they r? They are only 6 inch to 15 inches tall rt now. But all have leafed out
I would think that you could tell by now if they are leafed out.
Thanks. I'll post some pics later. And maybe u guys can help me
they all look the same to me, I had Swo. Dco. Sawtooth. Bur oak and Concordia oaks, or is it still to early
First picture looks like DCOs to me. They more than likely will be the shortest at the end of the summer. :) Probably a little too early to tell on them. Leaves will develop more over the next few weeks.
I agree with Turkey creek the first one looks like DCO, DCO's I've grown are usually shorter and take a little longer to mature.
Young trees tend to be difficult to ID with real certainty and you can get some variation in leaf forms anyway regardless of how old the tree is. You can also unknowingly pick up a hybrid here and there as well. As they get bigger and older you should be able to see more differences in them and hopefully be able to sort them out.