No fawns yet, well maybe now.


5 year old buck +
No fawns yet here but some of these girls look they are ready to pop.


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The way they look, it isn't going to be long.
This is the only one I'm getting pics of. Mom likes this spot. Lots of clover and high grass. Now I'm glad I didn't mow in May.

She has a nursery and the weather went August, high 90's and dry. The clover can use the shade. image.jpeg
I started getting them in the last week or so.
This doe hadn't popped on 5/30 yet. I bet the dad, albeit a little bit of a strange duck, is waiting anxiously.

Finally got a fawn on camera. It is just one. I'm guessing my new bear has had a nice fresh venny meal by now. We had a tough winter in the UP. I am curious to see how many of the does have multiple fawns.

I'm still getting some girls here yet to drop as of last week.

First set of twins
