Nice 10, Old Stealthcam (Update Buck Killed)


5 year old buck +
My 1st trail camera is still churnin out the pics. I think it's in it's 6th season. Wouldn't be surprised if it's taken a couple hundred thousand pics, as it has some malfunction that makes it take a picture every other second when it's triggered. So usually every card pull I can expect a few thousand pics.

Anyway, glad to see our deer reaching maturity again after EHD wiped out a ton of them, in '13 especially. What's anyone's thoughts on this guy's score? Looks to have no weaknesses and I'm wondering if he's 160.

Good Buck!
Little blurry but I'd go 150 plus easy.
He's a dandy for sure. Good luck with him.
This big horse showed up again for one day, this time on a little clover plot. These pics reveal he's a 6x5, and I'm taking a stab at 5.5 years old. I'm wondering if the subordinate buck is a stud 2.5 year old.

STC_0231.JPG STC_0233.JPG
WOW great deer. Good luck with him!
I get about 149 plus whatever you think his browse are. 5 to 6 is what I guess so 159 to 161.
150s great deer love mass
Simple success story. A doe stepped out of the cover and he was right behind her. I was extremely fortunate. Last day of IL 1st shotgun season. Yesterday was high winds and tough hunting. Today settled down, a good cold front came in this weekend. I grossed him at 163. Confident in thinking that'd be within an inch of a professional score. Beams were both over 23.

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Great deer, congratulations!
Awesome man! Congratulations.
Very nice!
Congrats ... looking forward t the score confirmation... what did you have for deductions? Great buck!
Deductions. Boooo :D
I always ignore deductions and stick with gross score. Nothing about a deers antlers call for deductions. IMHO.

Bill ... I hate deducts too, but some guys are wrapped up in trying to make the deer more than they are at a different standard.

If they grew it, score it ... ;)
Thanks everyone. This was a nice deer for me to get. I passed a lot of them, and wounded and failed to recover one, in the past six years. When that last buck came six years ago, I had no clue about habitat improvement for wildlife. I'm just getting my feet wet as far as that's concerned.

Family members were texting and asking for details of the hunt and deer. My mom of all people asked what he'd score. I replied "prbly score in the 150s but I don't care if he scores 80 I love him"

So here's the measurements. The gross should actually read 163 & 1/8. Didn't even bother figuring the net 'til now, and it's 157.5". I think the nubbin would measure an inch but didn't count it. It'll be the only time the rack is scored, unless my new taxidermist as of this morning, who is a scorer for Illinois Big Buck Recognition, gets really bored.

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Congrats. You took a heck of a great buck.
Very nice! Was it harvested in N IL where the CWD roams? My dad lives up in that area and didn't see a buck, just some smaller fawns/does.
Very nice! Was it harvested in N IL where the CWD roams? My dad lives up in that area and didn't see a buck, just some smaller fawns/does.

Thanks. Yes, we're a chronic wasting county. Only been a handful of cases the past 6 years or so, but conveniently they're spread out pretty well, enabling the dnr to stage sharpshooters all around. Since my buck will be mounted, he wasn't able to be tested at the check station. We're eating him already though.