New tool for the farm


5 year old buck +
Well, after a few years of griping about hauling ATVs back and forth from our cabin or my parents house to the hunting land(our farm as we call it); I finally bit the bullet and bought an ATV to leave at the farm.

Our family lake place is only about 15 miles from the farm and my parents live 2 miles from the lake cabin, but its just been a pain to load an ATV to go to the farm to do some simple tasks and bring it back and forth every time. Trailer is at Dads house. ATV is at the cabin.(or wherever the gear is located at any time).
If I drive up my car for the weekend, I need to work around Dads schedule to use his pickup to haul an ATV to the farm to mow or do tasks.

I found this on Craigslist on Thursday night. Exactly the model I wanted. I got pics of it that were good. A little skewed. The guy that owned it bought it from his friend in 2013.
i showed up today to buy it and about crapped my pants.... its brand new..... 2003 Kodiak 400.
$2200. I told my wife today its way too nice to leave at the farm, so now I have to shop for something a little grittier looking.... :)
I am absolutely ecstatic about this purchase.

Nice work BLB. You can't beat the price. Always nice to make life simpler. I know what its like to run around hauling and moving stuff.

I need to find 2 or 3 more at good bargains to have out there for Habitat-Talk Land Tours. :)
So is it really brand new? Like 10 miles? Looks great!

I almost had a Yamaha warrior 4x4 400 for $900 with like 200 miles on it, but then the guy's kids decided it was fun after all and they wouldn't sell it. :( I like Paul, but I have bad thoughts about him when I see that quad. lol He's a neighbor on the beach road, so I see it every so often in the summers.
Congrats on finding a good buy,
I have an 02 Kodiak 400 it's been a great machine. Awesome buy at that price it's worth near twice that.
Is the S/N scratched out on it? Heck of a buy. Congrats on the deal.
Not scratched.... If it was, I still woulda bought the damn thing...... I wont be licensing it. Its staying on the farm for work and fun. Screw the guberment and their licenses....
$9 permanent ag license is all I run on mine. Allows public road use without issues.
$9 permanent ag license is all I run on mine. Allows public road use without issues.
I do the same.
Ahhh. Never heard of that one...... Thank you!
$9 if you use your ATV for farm use?
Yep, but it's a one time fee. The law states all of them have to be registered. So if you drive it on the street, you need tags on it.
But don't go trail riding with an Ag tag/reg. I was stopped on a road that was also an ATV trail and he wanted to write me up. I was going to a friends house with my disk to do his garden. Once I explained the law to the law he let me go.
In that link you posted, which one is it?
is there anything needed to get this Ag Tag??
It's the section for Ag. You'd be getting a new registration. $14.50 out the door. (I was only charged 9 when I bought my machine)
Thats what I was thinking. It just didnt have anything in the column for duration, whereas others have how many years or non-expiring.
Because there's no expiration on that license per your ownership - that's in the section about the license.