Needs Viagra!


That or he needs to stop running into stuff.

I have one of them too. He come about once a week and every time he is there about 6 AM. He just cant get it up on the right side.

Wonder what really causes it.
Goofy deformities can also be a result of an unclean casting of the previous antler. To put it simply
I've read about injuries causing a screwed up rack on one side.

But I wasn't kidding about running into things. Any chance this deer just smacked it real hard?

Couldn't find anything on that type of injury.
That j hooked yearling looks to have damaged that antler while it was growing.
I would love to find that shed, it would make a nice coat hook screwed into the wall.
I was thinking by the two thread titles shown next to one another that your meat pole needed it, and not the deer.